The Harry Frank Guggenheim Distinguished Scholars

(Formerly The Harry Frank Guggenheim Research Grantees)


Nicholas Barnes (International Affairs, University of St. Andrews) and Juan Masullo (Political Science, Leiden University). Under the Iron Fist: Examining Public Security Policy Preferences of Favela Residents in Rio de Janeiro
Anjuli Fahlberg (Sociology, Tufts University). How States of Exception Impact Lived Experiences of Violence in Gang Territories: A Comparison of El Salvador and Honduras
Jonathan Green (Journalism, Independent Scholar). The Devil Can Cite Scripture: A Story of Violent Religion and the Revenge of America's Most Dangerous Cult
Haroro Ingram (Political Science, The Australian National University). The Promises of Revolutionary Violence: Propaganda, Recruitment, and Motivational Pathways to Violence in the Southern Philippines
Stephen Kapinde (Social Sciences, Pwani University and the University of London). “Performance of Injustice": Mainstreaming Religious Actors in Transitional Justice Processes towards Taming Political Violence in Conflicting Democracies in Africa
Roudabeh Kishi (Political Science, University of Denver). Improving Early Warning Models Outside of Conflict Zones: A Case Study of the US
Roni Porat (Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Yuval Ofek-Shanny (Economics, University of Haifa), and Analia Schlosser (Economics, Tel-Aviv University). Reducing Violence Through Cross-Ethnic Teachers: Insights from the Israeli Education System


Javier Auyero (Sociology, The University of Texas at Austin). Police Collusion and Drug Violence: What is the Relationship?
Julie Chernov Hwang (Political Science, Goucher College). How Terror Cells are Constructed: The Role of Social Networks
Melchesidek Chétima (History, University of Québec in Montréal) and Scott MacEachern (Anthropology, Duke Kunshan University). Slave-Raiders and Boko Haram on the Border
Rebecca Clift (Linguistics, University of Essex). Behind Closed Doors: Trajectories to Violence in Intimate Interaction
Mikkel Dack (History, Rowan University). Fighting Fascism: Eliminating and Preventing Violent Extremism Since WWII
Graham Denyer Willis (International Affairs, University of Cambridge) and Pedro Mendes Loureiro (Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge). More and Better Prisons, More and Worse Criminal Governance?: Exponential Prison Construction and Violence in Brazil
Alex Hinton (Anthropology, Rutgers University). “Never Again!” and the Problem of Prevention
Sami Miaari (Labor Studies, Tel Aviv University) and Maha Sabbah-Karkabi (Anthropology, Ben Gurion University). Economic Opportunities, Criminal Activity, and Deterrence: Evidence from the Palestinian-Arab minority in Israel
Melanie-Angela Neuilly (Criminology, Washington State University). At the Root of Lethal Violence: The French Death Investigation System and the Accuracy of Mortality Statistics in Violence Prevention
Jessica Stern (International Affairs, Boston University) and Megan McBride (Center for Naval Analyses Institute for Public Research). Assessing Mental Distress, Relative Loneness, Ideology, and Leakage in a Violent Extremism Intervention Dataset


Christopher Davey (Clark University) and Claudine Kuradusenge-McLeod (American University). Erasing Refugees: How Camps became Killing Fields in the First Congo War.
Surulola Eke (Political Science, Queen’s University). Towards a Constructivist Grounded Theory: Understanding the Transnational Production of Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in the Digital Age in Africa.
Charles Larratt-Smith (Political Science, Tecnológico de Monterrey). Forging Informal Citizenship in the Shadow of the State: Armed Non-State Actors and Migrant Incorporation in the Colombian and Mexican Borderlands.
Juan Luna (Political Science, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile). Organized Crime, State Crises, and the Consolidation of Violent Democracies.
Aila Matanock (Political Science, University of California, Berkeley). Inviting Intervention: Statebuilding by Delegating Security.
Diana Peel (Criminology, Makerere University) and Elizabeth Kibuka Musoke (Criminology, Makerere University). From Domestic Abuse to Death Row: The Experience of Women Who Kill Their Intimate Partners in Uganda.
Yaniv Voller (Political Science, University of Kent). Pro-Government Militias as Social and Political Actors and Their Impact on Governance and Security Orders.
Karin Wachter (Social Work, Arizona State University). Pre- and Post-Resettlement Drivers of Intimate Partner Violence Among Afghan Refugees in the United States.

2021 – 2022

Margherita Belgioioso (Political Science, University of Kent). Rebel Tactics, Local Public Support and the Upcoming Phase of the Peace Talks in Southern Thailand
Laura Blume (Political Science, University of Nevada, Reno). Cataloguing Murder: Tracking Violence Against Public Figures in Central America
Abby Cordova (International Affairs, University of Notre Dame). Violence against Women and Political Engagement in Multi-Violence Contexts: Evidence from El-Salvador
Stephen Davis (History, University of Kentucky). The Bitter Aloe Project: Building a Prosopographic Understanding of Apartheid Era Violence Through Advanced Machine Learning
Mohammed Ibrahim Shire (Criminology, University of Portsmouth). Targeted recruitment: Explaining why certain clans join and eschew Al-Shabaab in Somalia
Ore Koren (Political Science, Indiana University Bloomington). Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks and Political Conflict in Africa
Eduardo Moncada (Political Science, Columbia University). State Responses to Non-State Security Provision: A Comparative Urban Study in the Americas
Andrew Papachristos (Sociology, Northwestern University). Murder by Structure: How Street Gangs Built the Great American City
Raul Sanchez de la Sierra (Economics, University of Chicago). Morality, Violence, and Opportunism: Inside the Nduma Defense of Congo Militia
Renard Sexton (Political Science, Emory University). Ground-Truthing Fishing Conflicts in the South China Sea
Eric Tenkorang (Sociology, Memorial University). Kinship, Lineage Norms and Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in Ghana


Smadar Ben-Natan (International Affairs, University of Washington). The Carceral State in Conflict: Between Reconciliation and Radicalization
Katherine Bruce-Lockhart (History, University of Waterloo) and David M. Anderson (History, University of Warwick). Understanding Violence and Incarceration in Africa: Evidence from British Colonies and Postcolonial States
Ankur Datta (Sociology, South Asian University). Victimhood in a Time of Crisis: Muslims and the Riots of 2020 in New Delhi, India
David Henig (Utrecht University). Deadly Environments: Living Among Explosive War Remnants in Former Yugoslavia
Daniel Hirata and Carolina Christoph Grillo (Sociology, Fluminense Federal University). Police Special Operations and Armed Criminal Groups in Rio De Janeiro
Benjamin Hoy (History, University of Saskatchewan). Dominating a Continent: Violence, Retribution, and Forcible Confinement in North America
Dorian Juric (Anthropology, University of Ottawa). "Twas Always Known As the Bloody Frontier": Rumours, Memories, and Bosnian Identity in the Migrant Crisis   
Gema Kloppe-Santamaria (History, Loyola University Chicago). In the Name of Christ: Religious Violence and Its Legitimacy in Mexico (1920-2020)
Uri Lifshin (Psychology, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya). Increasing Perceived Similarity of the Self to Animals to Reduce Intergroup Hostility and Promote Peace: Testing a Novel Intervention in Three Nations
Pamela Mainye (Communications, Kisii University). Super-Cops, Extra-Judicial Killings, and Popular Imaginaries of Policing in Facebook Groups in Nairobi
Eric Min (Political Science, University of California, Los Angeles). Fighting and Bargaining Across Two Centuries of International Conflict
Laine Munir (Anthropology, African Leadership University). Valuable Resources: Women, Conflict, and Modern Mining Practices in Rwanda
Robert Simiyu (Geography, Kisii University). Geography, Identity Formation, and Intra-Ethnic Conflicts in Kenya's Mt. Elgon Region: Deconstructing the Soy-Mosop Divide As a Basis for Conflict Resolution
Jeremy Speight (Political Science, University of Alaska), Philip A. Martin (International Affairs, George Mason University), and Giulia Piccolino (Political Science, Loughborough University). Ex-Rebel Authority in Post-Conflict Politics: Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire
Yael Zeira (Political Science, Syracuse University) and Alexandra Siegel (University of Colorado Boulder). The Ethnicization of Conflict: A Social Media Analysis


Diogo Britto (Economics, Catholic University of Milan), Paolo Pinotti (Economics, Bocconi University), and Breno Sampaio (Economics, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco). Economic Shocks, Social Insurance, and Violent Crimes: Evidence from Brazil
Gianmarco Daniele and Marco Le Moglie (Economics, Bocconi University). Drug Cartels’ Violence in New and Traditional Illegal Markets
Angélica Durán-Martinez (Political Science, University of Massachusetts-Lowell). Dialogues and Negotiations with Criminal, Non-Rebel Groups in Latin America
Romina Istratii (History, Religions, and Philosophies, School of Oriental and African Studies). Religion, Conscience, and Abusive Behaviour: Understanding the Role of Faith and Spirituality in the Deterrence of Intimate Partner Violence in Rural Ethiopia
Neeti Nair (History, University of Virginia). Hurt Sentiments and Blasphemy in South Asia
Zozan Pehlivan (History, University of Minnesota). A Climate of Violence: Environmental Crises in Late Ottoman Empire
Steven Pierce (History, University of Manchester). Culpable Identities: Violence, Criminal Law, and the Politics of Personhood in Colonial Northern Nigeria
Lynn Stephen (Anthropology, University of Oregon). Can the State Interrupt the Vicious Cycle of Gendered Violence That It Helped to Create? Evidence from Guatemala


Charles Anderson (History, Western Washington University). In Search of Popular Sovereignty: British Rule and the Great Revolt (1936-39) in Palestine
Holly Nyseth Brehm (Sociology, Ohio State University) and Nicole Fox (Criminal Justice, California State University, Sacramento). Resisting Genocidal Violence
David Brotherton (Sociology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice) and Rafael Gude. Violence Reduction and Social Inclusion in Ecuador: Legalizing Street Gangs and Declining Rates of Homicide
William Carrigan (History, Rowan University) and Clive Webb. Foreign-Born Victims of Mob Violence and the Decline of Lynching in the United States
Corey Chivers (Penn Medicine), Mark Gross (Sociology and Criminology, Cabrini University), and Lauren B. Landau (African Centre for Migration & Society, University of Witwatersrand). Predicting Community Violence: Using Longitudinal Neighborhood Data to Forecast Vigilante and Xenophobic Violence in Urban South Africa
David Cooke (Psychology, University of Bergen), Barbara E. Mcdermott (Psychiatry, University of California-Davis), and Jennifer Skeem (School of Social Welfare and Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California-Berkeley). Targeting Institutional Risk Factors to Reduce Patient Violence
Yolana Pringle (Humanities, Roehampton University). Political Violence and Mental Health in Africa, 1970s-90s
Molly Pucci (History, University of Dublin). The Czechoslovak Arms Industry and the Changing Face of Global Warfare, 1859-1989
David Wildermuth (Global Languages and Cultures, Shippensburg University). Ordinary Soldiers: A Case Study of the Nazi-Soviet War of Annihilation 
Criselda Yabes. Marawi: How Violent Extremism Reached the Southern Philippines


Daniel Agbiboa (Conflict Resolution, George Mason University). Dying to Save: Youth Vigilantism, the Civilian Joint Task Force, and Counterterrorism in Nigeria
Siddarth Chandra and Raechel White (Geography, Michigan State University). Geographic Perspectives on the Indonesian Killings of 1965-66 in Central and East Java
Mark Hanna (History, University of California-San Diego). Infamous Designation: The Discourse of Piracy, Slavery, and Empire in the Early Modern Anglophone World, 1600-1900
Erin Kinnally (Psychology, University of California-Davis). Epigenetic Disruption of the "Cycle of Violence" in Rhesus Macaques
Ronald Krebs (Political Science, University of Minnesota). War's Crucible: How Violent Conflict Shapes Democracy
Louisa Lombard (Anthropology, Yale University). Ethics in Wars of Protection
Aron Lund (The Century Foundation). Insurgent Fragmentation and State Attachment in the Syrian Civil War
Charlotte Mertens (Political Science, University of Melbourne). Unearthing Sexual Violence in the Congo Free State and Its Contemporary Significance
Javier Puente (History, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile). The Environmental Making of Sendero Luminoso: Drought, Famine, and Revolution in the Peruvian Andes, 1983-1986
Guillermo Trejo (Political Science, University of Notre Dame), Sandra Ley (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas), and Shannan Mattiace (Political Science, Allegheny College). Criminal Violence and Indigenous Resistance. Why Ethnic Autonomy Institutions Deter Drug Violence in Mexico
Spyridon Tsoutsoumpis (Centre for Advanced Study, Sofia). A New Kind of War: A History of the Greek Civil War 1946-1949


Mustafa Aksakal (History, Georgetown University). The Ottoman First World War
Leonardo Arriola (Political Science, University of California-Berkeley). Violent Profits: The Political Economy of Electoral Violence
Arielle Baskin-Sommers (Psychology, Yale University). Specifying the Etiology of Violence: A Multi-Level Assessment of Self-Regulation and the Role of Affective Context
Karel Berkhoff (NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies). Babi Yar: Site of Mass Murder, Ravine of Oblivion
Aurelie Daher (University of Oxford). Lebanese Hezbollah and the Syrian Conflict: Interventionism and Identitarian Violence
Andrew Dawson (Sociology, York University). An Analysis of the Long-Term Trajectories of Homicide Rates Between the United States and Canada From the Mid-Eighteenth to the Twenty-First Century
Tanisha Fazal (Political Science and Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame). Military Medicine and the Changing Costs of War
Anthony Fontes (Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Alexander Kupatadze (International Relations, St. Andrews University). State Cartels and Narco States: A Comparative Study of International Drug-Trafficking Violence in Central America and Central Asia
Sheldon Garon (History, Princeton University). When Home Fronts Became Battlegrounds: A Transnational History of Violence Against Civilians in Japan, Germany, and Britain in World War II
Morag Grant. The Social Musicology of War: A Framework for Understanding the Roles of Music in War
Sheri Johnson (Psychology, University of California-Berkeley), Charles Carver (Psychology, University of Miami), and Ephrem Fernandez (Psychology, University of Texas-San Antonio). Aggression in the Context of Impulsive Responses to Emotion: Testing an Intervention
Bruce Knauft (Anthropology, Emory University) and Anne-Sylvie Malbrancke (School for Advanced Study in Social Sciences, Paris). Homicide Reduction and Conflict Management in the Nomad Sub-District, Papua New Guinea
Adrienne Lebas (Government, American University). The Local Organization of Electoral Violence in Nigeria
Benjamin Lessing (Political Science, University of Chicago). Out: Prison Gangs As a Threat to State Authority
Abdeslam Maghraoui (Political Science, Duke University). To Live and Die in Tazmamart: Aggression, Social Capital, and Survival in a Moroccan Detention Camp, 1973-1991
Zachariah Mampilly (Political Science and Africana Studies, Vassar College). Taxation and Rebel Governance
Asher Orkaby (History, Harvard University). Egypt’s Chemical War in Yemen (1963-67) and the Limits of the Poison Gas Taboo
Grzegorz Rossolinski-Liebe (History, Freie Universitat Berlin). Collaborating Enemies: The German-Polish Collaboration and Anti-Jewish Mass Violence During the Second World War
Simon Turner (Migration Studies, University of Copenhagen) and Lidewyde Berckmoes (Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, Amsterdam). Fearing the Violence to Come: An Ethnographic Exploration of How Past Experiences of Violence and Flight Shape Anticipations of Danger in Burundi
Anita Weiss (International Studies, University of Oregon). Countering Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Local Actions, Local Voices


Nadia Abu El-Haj (Anthropology, Barnard College at Columbia University). The Ethics of Trauma: Combat, Moral Injury, and the War on Terror
David Anderson (Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology). The Neural Circuitry of Aggression, Sex, and Sexual Aggression
Sarah Cameron (History, University of Maryland College Park). The Hungry Steppe: Famine, Violence, and the Making of Soviet Kazakhstan
Philip Cook (Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University). Crime Gun Theft
Henar Criado (Political Science and Sociology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Jordi Domenech (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), and Francisco Herreros (Spanish National Research Council). Legacies of the Past and Support for Terrorism in the Basque Country
Beth Lew-Williams (History, Princeton University). The Chinese Must Go: The Violent Birth of American Border Control
Harel Shapira (Sociology, University of Texas at Austin). An Education in Violence: Teaching and Learning to Kill in Central Texas
Rosalind Shaw (Anthropology, Tufts University). Disarming Justice, Demobilizing Memory, Producing "Post-Conflict" Life in Sierra Leone
Judith Smetana (Clinical and Social Psychology, University of Rochester). Aggression and Morality: Links in Early Childhood


Mila Dragojevic (Politics, University of the South). Collective Crimes in Times of War: Explaining Local Variation in Violence Against Civilians
Rebecca Gould (Humanities, Yale-NUS College Singapore). On Traumatic Modernities: Forced Migration and Nakh Cultural Memory Along Caucasus Borderlands
Chris Kyle (Anthropology, University of Alabama at Birmingham). Spatial Analysis of Criminal Violence in Guerrero, Mexico
Peace A. Medie (International Affairs and Diplomacy, University of Ghana). “There Is Still No Justice Here!” Theorizing Women’s Movements’ Influence on Postwar African States’ Enforcement of Gender-Based Violence Laws
Nuno Monteiro and Matthew Adam Kocher (Political Science, Yale University). Political Violence During the German Occupation of France: A Micro-Level Analysis
Godwin Onuoha (Democracy, Governance and Service Delivery (DGSD) Programme, Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa). Political Economy of Memory: The Making, Unmaking and Remaking of the Nigeria-Biafra War
Viridiana Rios (Independent) and Mario Arriagada-Cuadriello (Revista Nexos). An Unexpected Peace: Understanding Resilient Order and Violence in Multi-Gang Environments


Javier Auyero (Sociology, University of Texas, Austin). In Harm’s Way: Violence at the Urban Margins in Contemporary Argentina
Max Bergholz (History, Concordia University). "None of Us Dared Say Anything." Mass Killing in a Bosnian Community During World War II and the Postwar Culture of Silence
Brian Delay (History, University of California, Berkeley). Shoot the State: Modernity and the Means of Destruction in the Americas: 1750-1920
Danielle Harris (Justice Studies, San Jose State University). Desistance from Sexual Offending Across the Life Course: A Multimethod Approach
William Hay (History, Mississippi State University). King George’s Generals: How the British Army Lost America, 1774-1781
Federico Lorenz (CONICET—National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina). Malvinas/Falklands War: Argentine Experiences of the 1982 Conflict Through Letters, War Diaries, and Amateur Photographs by Soldiers and Civilians Mobilized During the War
Chowra Makaremi (Anthropology, Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Enjeux Sociaux (IRIS)). Contested Narratives: A Genesis of State Violence in Post-Revolutionary Iran (1979-1988)
Isabelle Ouellet-Morin (Criminology, Université de Montreal). Stress Reactivity to Provocation and Aggression in Early Adulthood: Do Early Victimization and Regulation Processes Matter?
Jeffrey Rossman (History, University of Virginia). Stalin’s Great Terror: A Documentary History of Soviet Perpetrators
Randolph Roth (History, Ohio State University). Child Murder in America
Jennifer Sessions (History, University of Iowa). Colonialism on Trial: The Margueritte Affair in Fin-de-Siècle Algeria and France
Paul Staniland (Political Science, University of Chicago). Governing Coercion: States and Violence in Asia
Harry Verhoeven (Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford). When Comrades Go to War: Post-Liberation Movements, Elite Politics, and the Internal Dynamics of Africa’s Great War
Philip Roessler (Government, College of William & Mary). When Comrades Go to War: Post-Liberation Movements, Elite Politics, and the Internal Dynamics of Africa's Great War


Tonio A. Andrade (History, Emory University). Ways of War: Toward a Global Military History
Elaine Eggleston Doherty (Health, Behavior and Society, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health). Exploring Violent Careers Over the Life Course: A Study of Urban African American Males and Females
Anthony R. Harris (Sociology, University of Massachusetts Amherst). Before Assault Victims Go to the Hospital: Trying to Measure "True" Race Differences in the Seriousness of Injury
Ann A. Laudati (Environment and Society, Utah State University). From Coltan to Cattle: Unearthing Violence in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Richard Mcmahon (History, NUI, Maynooth). Violence, Law and the Irish Migrant Experience in Glasgow and New York, 1851-1900
Aaron B. Retish (History, Wayne State University). In the Courts of Revolution: Violence, Legality, and Social Control in the Soviet Rural Courtroom, 1917-1939
Pete G. Simi (School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Nebraska). Desistance from Right-Wing Extremism
Benjamin B. Smith (Political Science, University of Florida). History and Rebellion: The Origins of Self-Determination Conflicts in the Modern World
Magda Teter (History, Wesleyan University). The Pope’s Dilemma: Blood Libel and the Boundaries of Papal Power
Gunes M. Tezcur (Political Science, Loyola University Chicago). Ordinary People, Extraordinary Risks: Joining the Kurdish Insurgency in Turkey


Laia Balcells (Institut d’Analisi Economia, CSIC). Dynamics of Violence in Conventional Civil Wars
Justin M. Carre and Ahmad R. Hariri (Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University). Examination of Psychological, Hormonal and Neural Risk-Factors Underlying Individual Differences in Human Reactive and Proactive Aggression
Clifton R. Emery (School of Social Welfare, Yonsei University). Beijing-Seoul Families and Neighborhoods Study
Ilya V. Gerasimov (Center for the Study of Nationalism and Empire). Ethnic Violence vs. Imperial Segregations: Multinational Criminality in the Russian Imperial City As a Space of Conflict and Cooperation
Edward A. Gutierrez (History, University of Hartford). "Sherman Was Right": The Experience of AEF Soldiers in the Great War
John Hagan (American Bar Foundation, Northwestern University). Home Foreclosures and Criminal Violence
Kwesi Kwaa Prah (Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society, Cape Town). The Search for Peace in the South Sudan
Nikolaus Wachsmann (History, University of London). The Nazi Concentration Camps


Séverine Autesserre (Political Science, Barnard College). Seeing Like a Peacebuilder: An Ethnography of International Intervention
Linda Booij (Clinical Psychology, University of Montreal). Epigenetic Influences on the Development of the Serotonin System in Humans: A Mechanism of Risk for Chronic Aggressive Behavior
Emanuele Castano and Bernhard Leidner (Psychology, New School for Social Research). When We Torture: Moral and Pragmatic Arguments for and Against Torture, and Their Effect on Public Support for Redressing Past and Preventing Future Injustice
Anthony Di Fiore and Andres Link (Anthropology, New York University). Warfare and Coalitionary Violence in Nonhuman Primates: Spider Monkeys As a Model for Understanding the Evolution of Human Aggression and Sexual Coercion
James Manor (Commonwealth Studies, University of London). The Declining Power of Caste Hierarchy in Rural India: Implications for Patterns of Dominance, Increasing Violence, and the Democratic Process
Kevin Lewis O’Neill (Diaspora and Transnational Studies, University of Toronto). Two Ways Out: Christianity, Security, and Mara Salvatrucha
Andrew V. Papachristos (Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst). The Diffusion of Lethal and Non-Lethal Violence in Gang Networks


Enrique D. Arias (Political Science, City University of New York, John Jay College). Violence and Politics in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Study of Kingston, Jamaica
Alexander Gribanov (Soviet and European History, Bentley College). Terror on the Record in the Soviet Union: The History of the Chronicle of Current Events
Anthony R. Harris (Criminology, University of Maryland). From Intentional Injury Through Homicide: Exploring Race Differences in the Sequelae of Criminal Assault
Michael Hechter and Steven Pfaff (Sociology, Arizona State University and University of Washington). Social Order and the Genesis of Rebellion: A Study of Mutiny in the Royal Navy, 1740-1820
Saida Hodžić (Women and Gender Studies, George Mason University). Of Rebels, Spirits, and Social Engineers: The Problems With Ending Female Genital Cutting
José Luis Ledesma (Contemporary History, University of Zaragoza). Controlling Violence in Wartime? Power Centralization and Economization of Republican Violence in the Spanish Civil War
Patricia L. Mccall (Sociology, North Carolina State University). Longitudinal and Contextual Analyses of Violent Crime in the European Union
Michael S. Neiberg (History, University of Southern Mississippi). A Transnational History of the Road to the Great War, 1871-1914
Moses E. Ochonu (History, Vanderbilt University). History, Politics, and Ethno-Religious Conflicts in the Nigerian Middle Belt
Elizabeth Levy Paluck (Psychology, Princeton University). Entertaining, Informing, Discussing: How Do Media Spread Messages of Peace and Violence?
Elaine Frantz Parsons (History, Duquesne University). Klan Violence/Local Violence in Reconstruction-Era Union County: A Social Network Analysis
Lloyd M. Sachikonye (Development Studies, University of Zimbabwe). When a State Turns on Its Citizens: Political Culture and Institutionalized Violence


Denise Brennan (Anthropology, Georgetown University). Life After Trafficking: Resettlement After Forced Labor and Servitude in the U.S.
Douglas Gibler (Political Science, University of Alabama). Bordering on Peace: Democracy, Territorial Issues, and Conflict
Peter Holquist (History, University of Pennsylvania). "By Right of War": The Discipline and Practice of International Law in Imperial Russia, 1868-1917
Saïbou Issa (History, University of Ngaoundere). Bandit Careers and Career Bandits: A History of Criminal Labor in Sub-Saharan Africa
Valli Kalei Kanuha (Sociology, University of Hawaii at Manoa). Voices From the Margin: A Study of Violence Against Women of Color and Other Minority Status Women in the U.S. From 1975 to the Present
Charis Kubrin (Sociology, George Washington University). What’s Behind the Increase? Explaining Recent Trends in Suicide Among African American Males
Tim Wadsworth (Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder). What's Behind the Increase? Explaining Recent Trends in Suicide Among African American Males
Ashok S. Rai (Economics, Williams College). The Economic Effects of Religious and Caste Riots in South India
Jonny Steinberg (Journalism, Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria). Diaspora and Conflict: The Liberians of Staten Island
Scott Straus (Political Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison). Killing Campaigns: The Origins and Dynamics of Mass Violence in Africa
Peter Verbeek (Psychology, Miyazaki International College). The Development of Normal and Abnormal Aggression in Fighting Fish, Betta splendens


David Fraser (Law and Social Theory, University of Nottingham). Australian War Crimes Trials of the 1980s and 1990s: Law Confronts the Shoah
Laleh Khalili (Politics, University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies). State of Incarceration: Sovereignty, Violence and Prisons in the Middle East
Matthew Lieberman (Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles). An fMRI Study of Genetic, Neural, and Psychological Mechanisms Linking Social Rejection to Aggression
Mahmood Mamdani (Political Science, Columbia University). Political Identity and Political Violence: A Comparative Study of Sudan and Nigeria
Eugene Martin and Donald Pfaff (Neuroscience, Rockefeller University). Antisense Gene Therapy to Decrease Aggression Without Altering Behavioral Arousal
Toni Ñaco Del Hoyo (Science of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Autonomous University of Barcelona). "Horrors of War" During the Roman Expansion to the Hellenistic World: The Impact of War Economy on Civilians, 88-63 B.C.
Magda Teter (History, Wesleyan University). An Anatomy of Sectarian Violence: Jews and Christians in Pre-Modern Poland
Elisabeth Jean Wood (Political Science, Yale University). Sexual Violence During War: Understanding Variation


Tapera Knox Chitiyo (Institute for Southern African Military Research). A History of Violence in Zimbabwe: 1890-Present
Ethan D. Clotfelter (Biology, Amherst College). Endocrine Disruption of Aggression: What We Can Learn About Humans by Studying Fish
David Cunningham (Sociology, Brandeis University). White Hoods and Tar Heels: The Rise and Fall of the Civil-Rights-Era Ku Klux Klan
Kajsa Ekholm Friedman (Social Anthropology, Lund University). The Involution of Violence: Social Disintegration, Cosmological Crisis and Child Witchcraft in the Congo Region
Joel H. Garner (Joint Center for Justice Studies, Inc.). Does Prosecution Reduce Violence Between Intimate Partners? Analyzing the Available Evidence
Robert Gerwarth (History, University of Oxford). White Terror: Paramilitary Violence in Interwar Central Europe
Sandra J. Gray (Anthropology, University of Kansas). Forgotten: Deaths and Life in a Little War
Barbara C. Leigh (Epidemiology, University of Washington, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute). Drinking and Crime: A Case-Crossover Analysis
Lianjiang Li (Political Science, Hong Kong Baptist University). Local Government Violence and Rights Struggles in Contemporary Rural China
Ruth Marshall-Fratani (University of Paris, Sorbonne). The War of “Who Is Who”: Youth, Belonging, and the Crisis of Citizenship in the Côte d’Ivoire
Kerby A. Miller (History, University of Missouri). Religious Demography and Conflict in Ireland, 1659-1926
Roger Petersen (Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). The Strategic Use of Emotion in Violent Conflict
Jeremy Prestholdt (History, University of California, San Diego). Heroing Osama: State Repression and the Politics of Youth Marginality in Postcolonial Kenya
Ricardo D. Salvatore (History, Torcuato Di Tella University). Socio-Political Violence and State Legal Culture: State Formation and Subaltern Rights in Argentina, 1870-1955
Allan Silver (Sociology, Columbia University). Civil and Military Society in America, 1945-2005
Andres Villarreal (Sociology, University of Texas at Austin). Women’s Economic Status and the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence in Mexico
Loïc Wacquant (Sociology, University of California, Berkeley). “Peculiar Institutions”: Racial Rule and Violence in the United States


Javier Auyero (Sociology, State University of New York, Stony Brook). Scrutinizing the Gray Zones: Dynamics of Collective Violence in Contemporary Argentina
Yves-Alexander Chouala (Political Science, University of Yaounde II). Crime and Insecurity in Africa and Europe: Comparing Cameroon and South Africa with France and Belgium
Douglas Eckberg (Sociology and Anthropology, Winthrop University). The South Carolina Murder Project
Jozsef Haller (Biology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest). The Behavioral, Neural, and Pharmacological Specificity of Different Forms of Abnormal Aggression in Rats
Edward Miguel (Economics, University of California, Berkeley). War and Economic Development in Vietnam and Sierra Leone
Harvey Molotch (Sociology, New York University). Strategic Observers Underground: How They See Trouble and What They Do Next
Rakiya Omaar (African Studies, Africa Rights). The Meaning and Relevance of Genocide Ideology in Past and Present Rwanda
Susan Phillips (Anthropology, Pitzer College). Operation Fly Trap: Gang Violence in Los Angeles
Valli Rajah (Sociology, City University of New York, John Jay College). Negotiating Cultural Constructions of Domestic Violence: Drug-Involved Women Engage, Resist, and Reframe Discourses of a Social Problem
Charles Ritter (History, College of Notre Dame of Maryland). Sexual Justice in the American Civil War
Aki Roberts (Sociology, University of New Mexico). Violence in Urban America, 1990-2000: Impact of Changing Economic and Social Conditions and Police Resources
Sara Schatz (Latin American Studies, The Ohio State University). In Cold Blood: Dissent, Opposition, and Murder in the Rise of Mexico's Partido de la Revolucion Democratica (PRD)
Neal Simon (Biology, Lehigh University). Soy, the Brain, and Aggression: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
Svetlana Stephenson (International Comparative Sociology, London Metropolitan University). Violent Street Groups and Organized Crime in Russia


Christopher Candland (Political Science, Wellesley College). Pakistan's Educational System and Violence: Is There a Connection?
Kristin L. Dunkle (Epidemiology, University of Michigan). Masculinity, Gender-Based Violence, Sexual Risk Behavior and HIV: What Are the Connections in the South African Youth AIDS Epidemic?
Ivan Ermakoff (Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Enacting State Persecution: The Police and Anti-Semitic Policy in France, 1940-1944
Richard B. Felson (Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University). Distinctive Characteristics of Marital Violence
Kajsa Ekholm Friedman (Social Anthropology, Lund University). The Involution of Violence: Social Disintegration, Cosmological Crisis and Child-Witchcraft in the Congo Region
Lauren Leve (Anthropology, New School University). Social Justice and "Failed Development": Violent Ironies of Women's Empowerment in Nepal
Lianjiang Li (Political Science, Hong Kong Baptist University). Local Government Violence and Rights in Contemporary Rural China
Stephen C. Lubkemann (Anthropology, George Washington University). The Politics of Conflict in Nations Beyond Borders: The Liberian Diaspora in War Making and Peace Building
Dario Maestripieri (Psychology, University of Chicago). Genetic and Experimental Mechanisms Underlying the Intergenerational Transmission of Infant Abuse in Monkeys
Suzanne Maman (Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University). The Intersection of HIV and Violence Among Youth in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Shadd Maruna (Criminology, Northwestern University). Let 'Em Rot: Understanding Public Punitiveness Toward Offenders
Robert Plomin (Behavioral Genetics, King's College London). Identifying Genes Responsible for a Highly Heritable Aspect of Antisocial Behavior in 7-Year-Old Children
Yasmin Saikia (History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). "My Body Is in Pain": Understanding Gender Violence in the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh
David Z. Scheffel (Anthropology, University College of the Cariboo). Conflict Between Roma and Ethnic Slovaks in Comparative and Historical Perspective
Rosalind Shaw (Sociology and Anthropology, Tufts University). Demobilizing Memory: Truth, Reconciliation, and the Unmaking of War in Sierra Leone
Eric D. Weitz (History, University of Minnesota). Germans Abroad: The Herero and Armenian Genocides and the Origins of the Holocaust


Asma Afsaruddin (Classics, Notre Dame University). Striving in the Path of God: Discursive Traditions on Jihad and the Cult of Martyrdom
Rogers Brubaker (Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles). Nationalism and Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town: Between Politics and Everyday Life
Leslie Dwyer (Cultural Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles). The Violence of 1965-66 and Its Aftermath in Bali, Indonesia
Roberto Gargarella (Law, Chr. Michelsen Institute). Throwing "Paper Stones": Argentina's Institutional Collapse
Macartan Humphreys (Political Science, Harvard University). Ethnic Identity, Collective Action, and Conflict: An Experimental Approach
Bruce A. Jacobs (Criminology, University of Missouri, St. Louis). Criminal Retaliation: A Qualitative Study of Social Control Beyond the Law
Menno R. Kruk (Biology, Amsterdam Center for Drug Research). Telemetry of Neural Activity of Brain Mechanisms Involved in Aggression, Fear, and Stress Response
Sean Mcconville (Law, Queen Mary College, University of London). Irish Political Prisoners 1920-2000
Mark D. Meyerson (History and Medieval Studies, University of Toronto). Social Violence and Religious Conflict in Late Medieval Valencia
Kaivan Munshi (Economics, Brown University). Intra-Household Income Inequality and Conflict: Testing an Economic Model of Domestic Violence in Kerala, India
Nicholas E. Newton-Fisher (Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge). Male-Female Aggression in Chimpanzees
Gananath Obeyesekere (Anthropology, Princeton University). Terrorism and the Prospects for Peace in Sri Lanka
Nicholas Sambanis (Political Science, Yale University). The Onset, Duration, and Termination of Ethnic Civil War


Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf (Sociology and Anthropology, Tufts University). Under Many Fires: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Female Circumcision by War-Displaced Southern Sudanese Women in Khartoum
Begona Aretxaga (Anthropology, University of Texas, Austin). States of Terror: Nationalist Youth and Political Violence in the Basque Country
Yves-Alexandre Chouala (Political Science, Universityof Yaounde II). Violence, Security, and State in Cameroon and South Africa: State De-Monopolization of Organized Violence and Privatization of Public Security
John Hagedorn (Criminal Justice, University of Illinois, Chicago). Violence, Gangs, and the Redivision of Space in Chicago
Jozsef Haller (Biology, Institute of Experimental Medicine). Mechanisms Underlying Pathological Forms of Aggression in Rats
Tobias Hecht (Social Anthropology). The Violent Life of Bruna Verissimo: An Experimental Ethnographic Biography of a Homeless Brazilian Youth
Shaheen Asharaf Kagee (Psychology, University of Pennsylvania). The Psychological Sequelae of Political Torture in South Africa
Ben Kiernan (History, Yale University). Blood and Soil: Modern Genocide, 1500-2000
Charalambos P. Kyriacou (Genetics, University of Leicester). Molecular Genetics of Aggressive Behavior in Drosophila Melanogaster
Royce Lee (Psychiatry, University of Chicago). Effect of Acutely Altering Serotonergic Activity on the Performance of Tasks Relevant to Cortical-Amygdaloid Circuits in IED and Control Subjects
Nur Masalha (Political History of the Middle East, Saint Mary's University of Surrey). Political Violence, Military Conflict, and Civil Unrest in Palestine: The Palestinian Police, the Fatah Tanzim and the "al-Aqsa Intifada"
Geoffrey Parker (History, The Ohio State University). The World Crisis, 1635-1665
Nancy Lee Peluso (Society and the Environment, University of California, Berkeley). Violent Territorialities and the Cultural Politics of Belonging in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Aki Roberts (Sociology, University of New Mexico). Economic Stress and Crime in Japan
Mauricio Rubio (Economics, University of Carlos III, Madrid). Kidnapping in Colombia
Nikolaus Wachsmann (History, University of Cambridge). Hitler's Prisons: Prisons and Penal Policy in Germany, 1900-1945
Michael Watts (International Studies, University of California, Berkeley). Economies of Violence: Petroleum, Politics and Community in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
Hongling Xie (Developmental Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). Aggressive Behaviors Among Inner-City Children and Adolescents


Bolanle Elizabeth Akande Adetoun (Rural Sociology and Demography, Center for Sustainable Development and Gender Issues). Ethnic Conflict and Socio-Economic Development in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria
Alex Argenti-Pillen (Anthropology, University College London). A War Trauma Pandemic? The Humanitarian Discourse on "Traumatized" Populations
Jose A. Canela-Cacho (Law, University of California, Berkeley). Incidence of Violence in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area: A Comparative Analysis of Two Recent Victimization Surveys
John N. Constantino (Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine). Mental Representations of Attachment in Twins: A Study of Monozygotic Female Pairs Concordant and Discordant for Abnormally Aggressive Behavior
Lesley Gill (Anthropology, American University). Military Training, Violence, and Human Rights: The School of the Americas
Dennis M. Gorman (Health Science, Texas A&M University System Health Science Center). The Texas Three-Cities Study of Neighborhood Structure, Alcohol Availability, and Violent Crime
Patricia Hawley (Psychology, Southern Connecticut State University). Social Dominance and Coercive Strategies of Resource Control in Children
Vladimir A. Kozlov (Russian and Soviet Studies, University of Rochester). A Social History of Gulag After Stalin's Death: The Emergence of a New Repressive Policy and the Fate of the Prisoners, 1953-1960
William P. Melega (Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, University of California, Los Angeles). Frontal Cortical and Hypothalamic Serotonin System Correlates of Individual Difference in Cerebrospinal Fluid 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid Levels
Arjuna Parakrama (English, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka). Saturated With Loss: The Bereaved Sexualities of Sri Lanka's Protracted War
Katharine B. Payne (Bioacoustics, Cornell University). Competitive and Cooperative Behaviors Among Forest Elephants in the Presence of a Limited Resource


Jeffrey Burds (History, Northeastern University). The Soviet "Struggle Against Banditry," 1941-1953
Conerly Casey (Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles). Youthful Martyrdom and Heroic Criminality: The Formation of Youth Groups in Northern Nigeria
James M. Dabbs (Psychology, Georgia State University). Testosterone Affects Transient Readiness for Action
Henry Friedlander (History). German Law and Nazi Crimes
Donald L. Horowitz (Political Science, Duke University). Constitutional Design in Divided Societies: New Reasons for Optimism
Stathis N. Kalyvas (Political Science, New York University). The Dynamics of Violence in Civil War: Evaluating the Impact of Ethnicity
John Lamphear (History, University of Texas). A Military History of East Africa in the Nineteenth Century
Mark D. Meyerson (History, University of Toronto). Social Violence and Religious Conflict in Late Medieval Valencia
Dani Nabudere (Political Science, Afrika Study Centre). The Transformation of the Agro-Pastoralist Conflict and Violence in North-Eastern Uganda
Jonny Steinberg (Political Science, Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation). The Farm Killings
Rael D. Strous (Psychiatry, Beer Yaakov Mental Health Center). The Association of Polymorphisms in Genes Affecting Monoamine Neurotransmission With Aggressive Behavior in Schizophrenic and Non-Schizophrenic Violent Individuals
Bert Useem (Sociology, University of New Mexico), Anne M. Piehl (Public Policy, Harvard University), and Raymond Liedka (Sociology, University of New Mexico). Cross-National Study of Prisons and Crime Control
Richard Wright (Criminology, University of Missouri-St. Louis). The Carjacker's Perspective: A Qualitative Study of Urban Violence
Margaret H. Zeller (Psychology, Children's Hospital Medical Center). Contextual Variations in Children's Peer Relations: The Impact of Community Violence and Neighborhood Disadvantage


Christopher R. Browning (Psychology, University of Chicago). Intimate Violence in Community Context
David Chappell (History, University of Arkansas). The Mind of the Segregationist: The Strategy and Propaganda of Opposition to Civil Rights
Stephanie Cronin (History, University of London). The Middle Eastern Military As a Factor in Domestic and Regional Conflict and Violence: A Case-Study of the Iranian Army
Allen Feldman (Anthropology, National Development and Research Institutes). Remembering Violence and the Transvaluation of the Public Sphere: Write-Up Proposal for an Ethnography of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Apartheid and Post-Apartheid Violence
Jeffrey Alan Hadler (Anthropology). Translations of Antisemitism: Violence and Minorities in Indonesia
Sharon Elaine Hutchinson (Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Jok Madut Jok (History, Loyola Marymount). The Militarization of Nuer and Dinka Community Life: A Comparative Field Study of the Transformative Impact of Sudan's Unresolved War
Cynthia L. Irvin (Political Science, University of Kentucky). Negotiating End Games: Basque and Spanish Perceptions of the Northern Irish Peace Process As a Model for Conflict Resolution Prospects, Lessons, and Limitations
Bruce Kapferer (Anthropology, James Cook University). Globalization, the Forces of Poverty, and Their Formations of Violence
Bruce M. Knauft (History, Emory University). Post-Colonial Aspirations and Intimacies of Violence Among Gebusi of the Nomad Area, Papua New Guinea
Gary Lafree (Sociology, University of New Mexico). Characteristics and Determinants of Global Homicide Crime Waves, 1946-1998
Alberto Lena (History, Università degli Studi di Padova). Narratives of Empire: Spanish and British Discourse on the Conquest and Colonization of America
Joe L. P. Lugalla (Anthropology, University of New Hampshire). Hardships and Violence Against Street Children in Sub-Saharan African Cities: Understanding Street Children and Street Life in Urban Tanzania
Terry Martin (History, Harvard University). The Limits of Totalitarian Domination: Soviet Social Practices and the Stalinist System of Social Control
Ramiro Martinez, Jr. (Criminology, University of Delaware). Latino Violence in the United States: A Five City Study
Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic (Sociology, Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research, Belgrade). Violence Against Women and Social Changes in Post-Communist Countries
Eugenia Rodriguez-Saenz (History, University of Costa Rica). Happy Marriages: Civilizing Domestic Life in Costa Rica (1850-1950)
Peter T. Schneider (Sociology, Fordham University) and Jane C. Schneider (Anthropology, City University of New York). Mafia, Antimafia, and the Struggle for Palermo, 1950-1995
Hubert Schwabl (Zoology, Washington State University). Maternal Testosterone and the Development of Offspring Aggression
Neal G. Simon (Biology, Lehigh University). Testosterone, Serotonin, and Aggression: Cellular Markers
Ira Sommers and Deborah Baskin (Criminology, California State University, Los Angeles). Methamphetamine and Violence
Emmanuel Ssempa (Women's Studies, Makerere University). Post-Insurgency Family Livelihood Systems and Conjugal Relations in Soroti District, Uganda
Robin Michel Wright (Anthropology, Universidade Estadual de Campinas). Hidden Violence: Social, Political, and Historical Dynamics of Witchcraft and Sorcery Among the Baniwa of the Northwest Amazon, Brazil


Adam Ashforth (Political Science, Baruch College, City University of New York). "Witchcraft" and Democracy in the New South Africa: A Political Ethnography of Soweto
Michael Barkun (Political Science, Syracuse University). Conspiracy Beliefs and Violence in American Culture: A Comparative Study of Black and White Separatism
Janice Boddy (Anthropology, University of Toronto). Writing "Civilizing Women: Modernity's Crusade in Colonial Sudan."
Theodore F. Cook, Jr. (History, William Paterson University). The Japanese Soldier's Experience of War, 1937-1945: Violence, Citizenship, and the Individual in Modern Japan's Lost War
Malcolm A. Feeley (Law, University of California, Berkeley). An Exploration of the Marked Decline of Women's Involvement in Crime and Criminal Violence: 1700-1900
Allen Feldman (Anthropology, National Development and Research Institutes) and Pamela Reynolds (Anthropology, University of Cape Town). From Silence and Pain to Transparency and Memory: A Proposed Ethnography and Discourse Analysis of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Roy Godson (Government, Georgetown University). The Political-Criminal Nexus: Emerging Violent Threat to Governability Into the Twenty-First Century
Donald L. Horowitz (Political Science, Duke University). Constitutional Design: Many Architects, No Buildings
Glenn Melancon (History, Southeastern Oklahoma State University). Drugs, Violence, and National Honor: British Foreign Policy and the Opium Crisis, 1833-1840
Oleg Orlov and Alexandr V. Cherkassov (Political Science, Memorial Human Rights Center). Mechanisms Reproducing Ethnically Motivated Aggression: The Problems of Peacemaking in the Ossetian-Ingush Conflict Zone
Randall R. Sakai (Biology, University of Pennsylvania). Neuroendocrine Consequences of Dominance and Subordination
Neal G. Simon (Biology, Lehigh University). The Neurosteroid DHEA: A Potential Antiaggressive Agent
Steven Stack (Criminal Justice, Wayne State University). The Effect of Publicized Life Sentences, Death Sentences, and Executions on Homicide
Valery Tishkov (Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences). Chechnya: Anthropology of War-Torn Society


Janet Lippman Abu-Lughod (Sociology, New School for Social Research). Race/Ethnicity, Space, and Political Culture: A Comparative Study of Collective Violence in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles
Kimberly Wright Cassidy (Psychology, Bryn Mawr College). The Relationships Between Theory of Mind, Social Information Processing, and Aggression in Preschool Children
Miguel Angel Centeno (Sociology, Princeton University). The Peaceful Century: War in 20th Century Latin America
Robert Knox Dentan (Anthropology, State University of New York at Buffalo). An Innovative Literary Ethnography of the Long-Term Consequences of Outsiders' Violence on Semai Peaceability
Roxanne Lynn Doty (Political Science, Arizona State University). State Practices, National Identity, and Anti-Immigrantism in Western Democracies
Donald M. Dougherty (Psychiatry, University of Texas). The Effects of Tryptophan Depletion and Supplementation on Serotonergic Functioning and Aggression in High and Low Aggressive Subjects
Christopher I. Eckhardt (Psychology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington). Processing of Anger-Related Information in Maritally Violent and Nonviolent Men
Zhengyuan Fu (Political Science, University of California, Irvine). Social Dynamics and Political Control in China's Prison
Beatrice Golomb (Psychology, University of Southern California). Low Serum Cholesterol and Violent Behavior
Ansley Hamid (Anthropology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice). The Latin Kings and Gang Violence
Roger Hewitt (Education, University of London). Adolescents and Racial Violence in South London
David Hicks (Anthropology, State University of New York at Stony Brook). Political Control and Female Reproduction in East Timor
Vladimir A. Kozlov (Russian and Soviet Studies, University of Rochester). Urban Unrest in Soviet Russia, 1960-1963
Menno R. Kruk (Neuroscience, University of Leiden). Neuroendocrine Response to Stimulation of the Hypothalamic Area Where aggression Is Evoked
Laszlo Kurti (Ethnography, Eotvos Lorand University). Transnationalism, Racist Hostilities, and Interethnic Violence: Conflicts in Hungary and Romania
David D. Laitin (Political Science, University of Chicago). Nationalism and Violence in Two Postsoviet Republics: Azerbaijan and Moldova
Dario Maestripieri (Psychology, Emory University). Determinants of Infant Abuse and Neglect in Group-Living Macaques
Robert L. Meisel (Psychology, Purdue University). Neuropharmacology of Female Aggression
Sonoko Ogawa (Neuroscience, Rockefeller University). Role of Estrogen Receptors in Aggressive Behaviors
Alexander G. Ossipov (Political Science, Russian Academy of Sciences) and Sergei N. Abashin (Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences). Constructed "Ethnic Conflict" in Post-Soviet Societies: The Case of Meskhetian Turks
Alex Pillen-Argenti (Anthropology, University College London) and Nicolas Argenti (Anthropology, University College London). Communities and Families of the Disappeared in Southern Sri Lanka: Contemporary Indigenous Modes of Survival in Interaction With the International Medical Culture
Randall R. Sakai (Biology, Rockefeller University). Behavioral and Physiological Characterization of Dominance and Subordination: Persistence and Reversibility
James Tong (Political Science, University of California Los Angeles). Violence in the 1989 Democracy Movement in China: An Analysis of Defiant Cities
Terence Turner (Anthropology, University of Chicago). The Kayapo Conjuncture: An Indigenous Peoples' Alliance With International Civil Society Against Violence and Rights Abuse by the State and National Society
Robert White (Sociology, Indiana University). Provisional Irish Republicans: Ten Years On


Les Back (Sociology, University of London). The Cultural Mechanisms of Racist Expression: A Study of Racism and Anti-Semitism in Graffiti, Pamphlets, Style, and Body Symbolism
Russel Lawrence Barsh (Native American Studies, University of Lethbridge). Blackfoot Traditional Models of Aggression and Healing
Jeffrey Burds (Russian and Soviet History, University of Rochester). The Roots of Ethnic Violence in West Ukraine: War and Rebellion in Galicia, 1918-1953
Rene Devisch (Social Anthropology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). Violence and Dysphoria: The Villagisation of Kinshasa and the Role of Healers
Stephen T. Driscoll (Archaeology, University of Glasgow). Forging a Nation: Ethnic Accommodation in the Creation of Scotland in the Early Middle Ages
William F. Fisher (Anthropology, Harvard University). Contesting the Nation: The "Restoration" of Democracy and the Volatility of Ethnic/State Conflict in Nepal
Laurence Frank (Psychology, University of California, Berkeley). Proximate and Ultimate Factors Modulating Aggression in a Unique Animal Model
David Maxwell (History, Keele University). Protestant Fundamentalism, Post-War Reconstruction: Pentecostalism As a Transnational Religious Movement
Richard H. Melloni, Jr. (Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical Center). Neuronal Plasticity and the Control of Aggressive Behavior
Robert M. Sapolsky (Biology, Stanford University). The Endocrine Stress-Response and Behavioral Status in the Olive Baboon
L. J. Shrum (Marketing, Rutgers State University). Applying Social Cognition Theory Toward Understanding the Influence of Television Violence on Social Perceptions, Attitudes, and Behavior
Ralph A. Thaxton, Jr. (Politics, Brandeis University). Predatory Socialism and the Formation of Peasant Resistance to State Domination in Rural China, 1949-1995

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