The Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholars

(Formerly the HFG Dissertation Fellowships) 


Karime Parodi Ambel (Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles). Gendering Justice in the Chilean Legal System: Institutional Developments, Legal Actors’ Practices, and Women’s Access to Justice
Kate Birkbeck (History, Yale University). The Security of a Free State: Public Arms, Private Armies, and the Birth of the American Century, 1865-1915
Moritz Emanuel Bondeli (Political Science, Yale University). Disturbing the Peace: Mass Politics and Political Violence in Weimar Germany
Madison Dalton (Political Science, Stanford University). The Politics of Justice: Sexual Violence Case Prosecution in the United States
Ian Glazman-Schillinger (History, Syracuse University). White Power Goes Online: The History of Digital Hate Networks and the Federal Government’s Response, 1984-1999
Marko Kljajic (Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison). The Challenge of Collective Victimhood and the Promise of Mutual Acknowledgement After Conflict
Zora Piskacova (History University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Torn Men in Torn Towns: Municipal Administrators between the Local and the National in Cieszyn and Český Těšín, 1918-38
Andrew Roskos-Ewoldsen (Political Science, University of California, Davis). Do Unto Others: Exploring the Role of Reciprocity in International Cooperation and Conflict
Madeleine Stevens (Political Science, University of Chicago). Weaponizing Uncertainty: The Politics of Disappearance in Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico
Sophie Wunderlich (History, University of Michigan). American Fascism and its Afterlives: The American Far Right and Paramilitarism in a Global Perspective, 1930-1965
Eddy Yeung (Political Science, Emory University). Propaganda as Provocation: How Autocrats Use Political Rhetoric to Impede Democratic Uprisings


Tessa Devereaux Evans (Political Science, Cornell University). To Have and to Hold: The Determinants of Insurgent Gender Governance
Eldad Levy Guerrero (Sociology, University of Texas at Austin). Making a Market for Security: Private Security Entrepreneurship in Mexico City
Tauhid bin Kashem (Political Science, University of California, Irvine). Violence and Protection at the Borders of the Refugee Regime: Refugee Response in South and Southeast Asia
Isabel Laterzo (Political Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). The Politics of Public Security: An Analysis of Campaigns and Policy in Brazilian States
Britni Moore (Linguistics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Police Recruits and the Discursive Construction of Rape in Sexual Assault Training
Ana Paula Pellegrino (Political Science, Georgetown University). The State That Forges Armed Criminal Groups
Apekshya Prasai (Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Gendered Processes of Rebellion: Understanding Strategies for Organizing Violence
Matthew Schissler (Anthropology, University of Michigan). Cultivating Islamophobia: Fear, Revulsion, and a Buddhist Movement Against Muslims in Myanmar
Natán Skigin (Political Science, University of Notre Dame). Punitive Solidarity in Drug Wars: How Human Rights Campaigns Shape Prosocial Behavior and Criminal Justice Preferences


Christine Chalifoux (Anthropology, University of Michigan). Betrayal and Belonging: Kinship, Ethnicity, and Cosmopolitanism in Kampala
Alex Diamond (Sociology, University of Texas-Austin). An Uncomfortable Peace: Everyday State Formation in Colombia’s Peace Laboratory
Patrick Hoehne (History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln). American Reavers: A Genealogy of Extralegal Collective Violence in the United States
Norman Joshua (History, Northwestern University). The Fashioning of Authoritarianism: Emergency, Counterinsurgency, and Militarization of Everyday Life in Indonesia, 1930-1968
Salih Noor (Political Science, Northwestern University). The Legacies of Liberation: Settler-Colonial Domination, Revolutionary Violence, and Political Change in Southern Africa
Daniel Solomon (Political Science, Georgetown University). The Order of Violence: Pogroms in Comparative Perspective
Claudia Torres Patino (Law, Harvard University). Under Harm: Paradoxes of the Law in Action in the Mexican Street Sex Economy
Liana Woskie (Health Policy, London School of Economics). Quantifying Structural Violence: Female Sterilization and Normalized State Repression in Healthcare


Francis Abugbilla (International Affairs, University of Washington). The Impact of Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Mechanisms on Reconciliation in Africa: A Case Study of Côte d’Ivoire
Hannah Baron (Political Science, Brown University). Human Rights Backlash from Below: Criminal Violence, Justice Attitudes & the Rule of Law in Mexico
Mariana Carvalho (Political Science, University of California, San Diego). Political Assassinations and Criminal Politics in Brazil
Madeleine Hamlin (Geography, Syracuse University). Policing the Projects: Crime, Carcerality, and Chicago Public Housing
Lotte Houwink ten Cate (History, Columbia University). Ravaged Interiors: A Modern History of Intimate Violence, 1970-2000
Jiwon Kim (Political Science, Stanford University). Ethnic Conflict and Non-ethnic Voting: State Co-optation of Ethnic Minorities in Myanmar and Beyond
Joshua Schwartz (Political Science, University of Pennsylvania). Dovish Reputation Theory: When Fighting to Demonstrate Resolve Backfires
Thomas Stevens (History, University of Pennsylvania). A Soldiers’ Socialist Republic: Veterans and Rebels in the Early Soviet Union


Maayan Armelin  (History, Clark University).  Leadership Styles and Social Relations in the SS-Einsatzgruppen
Philip Johnson  (Political Science, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York).  Narcommunication: The Public Messages, Murders, and Media of Organized Crime
Chulani Kodikara  (Political Science, University of Edinburgh).  Grief and Hope, Inscription and Erasure: A Struggle for Truth and Justice in Post-War Sri Lanka
Molly Minden  (Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison).  Legacies of Wartime Violence in Social Mobilization: Resistance to Dams in Guatemala
Lindsay Randall  (Anthropology, University of Edinburgh).  Contesting the City: Kinship, Islam, and Ethnic Politics of Belonging in Harar, Ethiopia
Maria Restrepo-Ruiz  (Public Health, University of Connecticut).  Intimate Partner Violence in Armed Conflict Contexts: The Case of Colombia
Matthew Simonson  (Network Science, Northeastern University).  Kill a Stranger, Save a Neighbor: Civilian and Combatant Networks Under Fire
Roya Talibova  (Political Science, University of Michigan). Why Fight? The Causes and Consequences of Joining an Autocrat’s Army
William Whitham  (History, Princeton University).  Statism and Anarchy: Illusion, Insurrection, and the Tragedy of the Left


Tracey Blasenheim (Political Science, University of Minnesota). Rule of Law(yers): Legal Expertise and the Prosecution of Modern Warfare
Kelsey Cundiff (Sociology and Criminology, Pennsylvania State University). Reassessing the 1990’s Crime Decline: A Novel Methodological Approach
Scott Delaney (Public Health, Harvard University). Social Determinants of Corticolimbic Development and Aggressive Behavior
Jonathan Gordon (Sociology, New York University). Precarious Peace: Violence and Local Imaginaries of Security in Medellín, Colombia
Nora Gross (Sociology and Education, University of Pennsylvania). Bullets, Books, and Brotherhood: An Ethnography of High School Life in the Context of Urban American Gun Violence
Tommy Jamison (History, Harvard University). Pacific Wars: Peripheral Conflict and the Making of the U.S. "New Navy," 1865-1897
Paul Katz (History, Columbia University). Transnational State Torture: Counterrevolutionaries and the Left in Southern South America, 1968-1985
Camilo Nieto Matiz (Political Science, University of Notre Dame). Integrating Subnational Peripheries: Incumbents, Violent Actors, and State-Building in Colombia
Douaa Sheet (Cultural Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center). The Influence of Differential Concepts of "Dignity" on Inciting Violence in Post-Uprising Tunisia
Robert Zeinstra (History, Princeton University). Bush War: Environmental Reckonings of Zimbabwe's Liberation War


Adele Blazquez (Social Anthropology, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales). Between the Cartel and the State: Ethnography of Everyday Life in the Context of Violence and Drug Trafficking in Badiraguato, Sinaloa
Jean Baptiste Gallopin (Sociology, Yale University). Fear, Violence, and Restraint: Dynamics of Historical Change in the Tunisian Revolution
Zoltan Gluck (Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center). Security and Social Transformation: An Anthropology of Kenya’s War on Terror 1998-2018 (Declined)
Sana Jaffrey (Political Science, University of Chicago). Leveraging the Leviathan: Reassertion of State Power and the Rise of Vigilante Violence in Democratic Indonesia
Kevin Li (History, University of California-Berkeley). Entrepreneurs of Disorder: Gangsters, Revolutionaries, and Collaborators During the Decolonization of Vietnam (1945-1955)
Adam Lichtenheld (Political Science, University of California-Berkeley). Making Migrations: The Strategic Use of Population Displacement in Civil War
Benjamin Schneider (History, George Mason University). A Dirty War: American War Crimes and Military Justice, 1942-1945
Stephanie Soubrier (History, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). Race Guerrières: Army, Science, and Politics in the French Colonial Empire From 1857 to 1918
Benjamin Spatz (International Affairs, Tufts University). Bullets, Banks, and Borders: How Targeted Sanctions Alter the Domestic Balance of Political Power in Sanctioned States
Anoush Suni (Anthropology, University of California-Los Angeles). Palimpsests of Violence: Ruination and the Politics of Memory in Anatolia


Stefanie Israel (Sociology, University of Notre Dame). Expiration Date: Mega-Events, Police Reform, and Contested Monopolies of Violence in Rio de Janeiro's Favelas
Charles Larratt-Smith (Political Science, University of Toronto). Landed Elites, Peasant Social Networks, and State-Insurgent Embeddedness in Contested Territory: Evidence From Colombia
Gabriella Lloyd (Political Science, Ohio State University). Mandating (In)Security? How UN Missions Endanger the Civilians They Intend to Protect (Declined)
Benedito Machava (History, University of Michigan). The Morality of Revolution: Urban Cleansing, Re-Education Camps and the Politics of Morality in Socialist Mozambique, 1975-1988
Ellicott Matthay (Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California-Berkeley). Impacts of Exposure to Community Violence on Self-Harm in California: A Multi-Level Population-Based Study
Seung Joon Paik (Political Science, George Washington University). Territorial Changes, the Prospect of Victory, and Civilian Victimization: Evidence From the Korean War
Isaac Scarborough (History, London School of Economics). The Extremes It Takes to Survive: Tajikistan and the Collapse of the USSR (1985-1992)
Jeremy Siegman (Political Science & Anthropology, University of Chicago). Enemies in the Aisles: Antagonistic Politics in Israeli-Palestinian Commercial Contact Zones
Adeem Suhail (Anthropology, Emory University). Dead Dreams and Boys with Pistols: The Roots of Urban Violence in Lyari Town, Karachi, Pakistan
Kai Thaler (Political Science, Harvard University). When the Rebels Win: State Power and Public Interests After Civil Wars


Lancelot Arzel (History, Institut d’Etudes Politiques). Hunt and War: Colonial Violence in the Congo Free State (1885-1908)
Nicholas Barnes (Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Monopolies of Violence: Gang Governance in Rio de Janeiro
Foster Chamberlin (History, University of California-San Diego). Honor Bound: The Military Culture of the Civil Guard and the Political Violence of the Spanish Second Republic 1931-1936
Samuel Fury Childs Daly (History, Columbia University). Forging the Biafran State: Law and Crime in the Nigerian Civil War, 1967-1976
Madeleine Elish (Anthropology, Columbia University). Shifting Soldiers and the Social Logics of Remote Warfare
Edip Golbasi (History, Simon Fraser University). The Anti-Armenian Massacres of 1895-1896: The "Climate of Violence" and Communal Riots in the Eastern Provinces of the Ottoman Empire
Craig Jones (Geography, University of British Columbia). The War Lawyers: US, Israel, and the Spaces of Targeting
Regina Kazyulina (History, Northeastern University). Female Collaboration and Postwar Retribution in Soviet Ukraine, 1941-1955
Lauren Maxwell (Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health, McGill University). Estimating the Effect of Intimate Partner Violence on Women’s Reproductive Health Outcomes
Letha Victor (Anthropology, University of Toronto). Dirty Things: Violence, Spirit Forces, and Social Change in Acholi, Northern Uganda


Noel Anderson (Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). The Geopolitics of Civil War: External Aid, Competitive Intervention, and the Duration of Intrastate Conflict
Lei Duan (History, Syracuse University). Private Gun Ownership in Republican China 1912-1949
Ian Johnson (History, Ohio State University). The Faustian Pact: Secret Soviet-German Military Cooperation in the Interwar Period
Victor Louzon (History, Yale University). The 1947 Taiwanese Rebellion: Last Battle of the Sino-Japanese War?
Dasa Mortensen (History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Silencing Histories of Violence in Shangri-La: The Contested History of Tibetan Participation in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976
Ishan Mukherjee (History, University of Cambridge). Violence, "Disorder,' and Decolonization: Practices of State Control in Calcutta, 1945-1950
Marc Opper (Politics, University of Virginia). Fighting the People, Fighting for the People: Insurgent Governance and Conflict Outcomes
Nicholas Radburn (History, Johns Hopkins University). The Long Middle Passage: The Enslavement of Africans and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1604-1807
Colin Rose (History, University of Toronto). Homicide in North Italy: Bologna 1600-1700
Rachel Sweet (Political Science, Northwestern University). Institutional Choice in Civil War: Rebel Tactics for Managing Political Disorder
Alec Worsnop (Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Organization and Community: Determinants of Insurgent Military Effectiveness


Teofilo Ballve (Geography, University of California-Berkeley). Territorial Masquerades: Violence, Paramilitaries, and Frontier State Formation in Colombia
Casey Ehrlich (Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Grassroots Peace: Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Rural Colombia
Matthew Hulbert (History, University of Georgia). Guerilla Memory: Irregular Recollections From the Civil War Borderlands
Mihaly Kalman (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University). Hero Shtetls: Jewish Armed Self-Defense From the Pale to Palestine, 1871-1929
Kathleen Klaus (Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Claiming Land: Institutions, Narratives, and Political Violence in Kenya
Daniel Krcmaric (Political Science, Duke University). The Justice Dilemma: International Criminal Law, Mass Atrocities, and Civil Conflict
Michael Mcconnell (History, University of Tennessee-Knoxville). Home to the Reich: The Nazi Occupation of Europe's Influence on Life Inside Germany, 1941-1945
Jean Pierre Misago (African Centre for Migration and Society, University of the Witwatersrand). Migration, Governance, and Violent Exclusion: Exploring the Politics of Xenophobic Violence in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Rebecca Nielsen (Political Science, Yale University). Civil War, Networks, and Women in Politics: Female Secret Societies in West Africa
Christian Sahner (History, Princeton University). Christian Martyrdom in the Early Islamic Period
Katherine Saunders-Hastings (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford). Order and Insecurity Under the Mara: Violence, Coping, and Community in Guatemala City
John Straussberger (History, Columbia University). The "Particular Situation" in the Futa Jallon: Ethnic Conflict, Political Community, and Belonging in Twentieth-Century Guinea
Ana Villarreal (Sociology, University of California-Berkeley). The Logistics of Fear: Drug Violence and Everyday Life in the Mexican Metropolis
Adnan Zulfiqar (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania). If Some Obey, None Shall Sin: The Development of Communal Obligations and Their Relationship to Violence in Islamic Legal Theory


Sayaka ChatanI (History, Columbia University). Nation-Empire: Youth Mobilization in Japan’s Colonized Peripheries, 1895-1950
Maggie Dwyer (Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh). Anticipating the Revolt: Trends in Military Mutinies in West and Central Africa Since Independence
Derek L. Elliott (History, University of Cambridge). Torture and Revenue Extraction in Company-Administered Madras, c. 1833-1857
Anthony Fontes (Geography, University of California, Berkeley). What Violence Makes: Transnational Gangs in Postwar Guatemala
Francesca Grandi (Political Science, Yale University). Troubled Peace: Explaining Political Violence in Post-Conflict Environments
Mallorie Hatch (Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University). The Social Cost of War: Investigating the Relationship Between Intergroup and Intragroup Violence During the Mississippian Period of the Central Illinois Valley
Froylan Enciso Higuera (History, SUNY: Stony Brook). Made in Sinaloa: From the Regional to the Global History of the Mexican War on Drugs, 1909-1985
Jared McBride (History, University of California, Los Angeles). A Sea of Blood and Tears: Ethnicity, Identity, and Survival in Nazi-Occupied Volhynia, Ukraine, 1941-44
Brian McQuinn (Anthropology, Oxford University). Inside a Revolution: The Cognitive Foundations of Armed Struggle in Libya


Daniel Blocq (Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison). Formation of Armed Self-Defense Groups
Cyd Cipolla (Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Emory University). “After These Horrendous Crimes, That Creature Forfeits His Rights”: The Violent Sex Offender As an Exceptional Criminal (Declined)
Anna Hedlund (Social Anthropology, Lund University). “Exile Warriors”: Violence and Community Among Hutu Rebels in the Eastern Congo
Trenton Jones (History, Johns Hopkins University). Deprived of Their Liberty: Prisoners of War and the Making of Revolutionary American Military Culture, 1775-1783
Jeffrey Lane (Sociology, Princeton University). The Digital Street: Adolescent Violence, Technology, and Urban Community
Javier Osorio (Political Science, University of Notre Dame). Hobbes on Drugs: Understanding Drug Violence in Mexico
Tom Pessah (Sociology, University of California, Berkeley). Backgrounding: The Meaning of Cleansing in Israel/Palestine, 1948
Raz Segal (Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Clark University). The Disintegration of a Borderland Society: Genocide and Mass Violence in Subcarpathian Rus
Henning Tamm (Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford). The Dynamics of Transnational Alliances in Africa, 1990-2010
Gene Tempest (History, Yale University). The Long Face of War: Horses in the French and British Armies on the Western Front


Ana Antic (History, Columbia University). Psychiatry in Flames of War: Development of "Social Racism" and Psychiatric Culture in Yugoslavia
Mark Anthony Geraghty (Anthropology, University of Chicago). Genocide Ideology, Nation-Building, Counter-Revolution: Specters of the Rwandan State and Nation
Janet Lewis (Government, Harvard University). Ending Rebellion Early: The Initial Stages of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency
Lena Meari (Anthropology, University of California, Davis). Sumud: A Philosophy of Confronting Interrogation
Andrés Moya (Economics, University of California, Davis). The Impact of Violence on Risk Attitudes and Subjective Expectations, and the Creation of Chronic Poverty Among the Internally Displaced Population in Colombia
Paola Castano Rodriguez (Sociology, University of Chicago). The Time of the Victims: Understandings of Violence and Institutional Practices in the National Commission of Reparation and Reconciliation in Colombia
M. Benjamin Thorne (History, Indiana University, Bloomington). The Anxiety of Proximity: The "Gypsy Question" in Romanian Society, 1934-1944 and Beyond
Joshua M. White (History, University of Michigan). Catch and Release: Piracy, Slavery, and Law in the Early Modern Ottoman Mediterranean (Declined)


Waitman Beorn (History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). Descent Into Darkness: Wehrmacht Complicity in the Holocaust in Belarus, 1941
William Feldman (Politics and International Relations, Oxford University). War and Privatization
James Lenaghan (History, Ohio State University). "Their Religion Is Rebellion, Their Faith Is Faction": State Religion and the Etiology of Insurgent Violence in Ireland and Poland-Lithuania, 1569-1649
Benjamin Lessing (Political Science, University of California, Berkeley). The Logic of Armed Violence in Drug Wars
Sarah Mathew (Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles). A Causal Understanding of Warfare, Based on the Origins of Human Cooperation: Case Study of Cattle-Raiding Among Turkana Pastoralists in Kenya
Eduardo Moncada (Political Science, Brown University). The Business and Conflict of Criminality
Christine Nutter (Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago). Between Local Ethics and State Aspirations: Child Corporal Discipline in Rural Morocco
Silvia Pasquetti (Sociology, University of California, Berkeley). Organized Refugees and Fragmented Citizens: A Comparative Ethnography of Group Formation and Violence Across the Green Line
Emily Putnam-Hornstein (Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley). Do "Accidents" Happen? An Examination of Injury Mortality Among Maltreated Children
Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl (Political Science, Yale University). Dynamics of Civil Wars: The Causes and Consequences of Subsidies to Armed Groups


Robert Dale (History, Queen Mary, University of London). Life After War: The Demobilization and Postwar Adjustment of Red Army Veterans in Leningrad Region, 1944-1950
Karin Friederic (Anthropology, University of Arizona). Frontiers of Violence: Women's Rights, Intimate Partner Violence, and the State in Ecuador
Pablo Kalmanovitz (Political Science, Columbia University). After the War: Reestablishing Rights and Institutions
Ozge Serin (Anthropology, Columbia University). Sovereignty and Sacrificial Violence: The Death Fast Movement in Turkey 2000-2007
Paul Staniland (Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Explaining Cohesion, Fragmentation, and Control in Insurgent and Paramilitary Groups
Eric C. Steinhart (History, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill). Ethnic Germans and the Holocaust: Nazifying the Black Sea Germans, 1941-1944
Jeffrey T. Ward (Criminology, University of Florida). An Assessment of Deterrent and Labeling Effects for Violent Offending Subpopulations: A Contemporary Methodological Approach
Sarah Zukerman (Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Guns, Politics, or Bankruptcy: Disentangling the Determinants of Armed Organizations' Post-War Trajectories


Mark T. Berg (Criminology, University of Missouri, St. Louis). Understanding the Persistence of the Victim-Offender Overlap: Modeling Causal Mechanisms Across Place and Time
Rezarta Bilali (Psychology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst). The Effect of Group Identity on Memories of Past Conflict
Charles Laurie (Sociology, University of Oxford). Political Violence in Zimbabwe's Land Seizure Era
Evangelos Liaras (Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). The Failed Promise of Electoral Engineering in Northern Ireland, Turkey, Sri Lanka, and Ghana
Mary Ashburn Miller (History, Johns Hopkins University). Nature's Fury: Violence and Natural Metaphor in the Rhetoric of the French Revolution
Barton A. Myers (History, University of Georgia). Controlling Chaos: Unionists, Military Policy, and Irregular Warfare in Confederate North Carolina
Hisyar Ozsoy (Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin). From Conflict to Compromise: Multiculturalism and the Renegotiation of Kurdish Political Identities in Turkey
Alexandra Scacco (Political Science, Columbia University). Who Riots and Why? Explaining Individual Participation in Ethnic Violence in Nigeria
Joshua M. Stein (History, University of California, Los Angeles). The Right to Violence: Assault Prosecution in New York, 1780-1840
Yektan Turkyilmaz (Cultural Anthropology, Duke University). Claiming Victimhood, Creating Nations: The Ethno-Nationalist Conflict in Eastern Anatolia


Ana Maria Arjona (Political Science, Yale University). Insurgent State Building
Sepideh Bajracharya (Social Anthropology, Harvard University). A Country of Hearsay and Rumor: Vigilantism, Rumor, and the Moral Sanction to Rule Urban Nepali Neighborhoods
Jonathan D. Caverley (Political Science, University of Chicago). A Rational Theory of Democratic Militarism
Sabina Cehajic (Psychology, University of Sussex). Dealing With the Past of Intergroup Violence: Psychological Reactions to Collective Wrongdoings
Miguel La Serna (History, University of California, San Diego). The Corner of the Living: Local Power Relations and Indigenous Perceptions in Ayacucho, Peru, 1940-1985
Cristina Soriano (History, New York University). Rumors of Revolution: The Influence of Caribbean Turmoil in Venezuelan Political Culture (1790-1810)
Christopher Wildeman (Sociology, Princeton University). Parental Imprisonment, the Prison Boom, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Stigma and Disadvantage


Christopher Blattman (Economics, University of California, Berkeley). The Impact of War on Young Ex-Combatants and the Determinants of Reintegration Success: A Study of Children and Youth in Northern Uganda
Erin Casey (Social Work, University of Washington). Predicting Sexual Assault Perpetration Among Adolescent Boys: The Role of Individual and Social Network Factors
Sreeparna Chattopadhyay (Anthropology, Brown University). Private Pain: Examining Domestic Violence in a Slum in Mumbai
Nick Copeland (Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin). Bitter Earth: Violence, Development, and the Disfiguration of Mayan Political Resurgence in Post-Revolutionary Guatemala
Stephanie Cousineau (History, University of Calgary). Ruthless War: A Comparative Analysis of German and American Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Campaigns of World War II
Hussein Anwar Fancy (History, Princeton University). Boundary-Crossing, Boundary-Making: Muslim and Christian Mercenaries in the Western Mediterranean (1213-1327)
Erin Kinnally (Psychology, University of California, Davis). Genetic and Developmental Risk Factors for Impulsivity and Aggression in Rhesus Macaques
Adria Lawrence (Political Science, University of Chicago). Against Empire: Nationalist Mobilization in the Decolonization Era
Stacey Philbrick Yadav (Political Science, University of Pennsylvania). Islamist Political Parties and the Remaking of Democracy: Hizb Allah and al-Islah in Comparative Perspective


Diana Allan (Anthropology, Harvard University). The Politics of Witness: Violence, Memory and Uncertain States of Belonging Among Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
Leo James Blanken (Political Science, University of California, Davis). Conquest or Commerce: Domestic Institutions and the Use of Force in the International System
Mark Doyle (History, Boston College). Fighting Like the Devil for the sake of God: Protestants, Catholics, and the Origins of Violence in Belfast, 1850-70
Andrew Gilbert (Anthropology, University of Chicago). State-Making, State-Breaking: Refugee Return and the Political Geography of Bosnia-Herzegovina
Eric James Haanstad (Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison). Constructing State Order: An Ethnography of the Thai Police
Curtis Jackson-Jacobs (Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles). Tough Crowd: An Ethnographic Study of Physical Fighting
Christopher Lyons (Sociology, University of Washington). Social (Dis)organization and Racially Motivated Crime in Chicago
James Pile (Anthropology, Princeton University). Contemporary Warfare in the New Guinea Highlands
Taylor Corpus Sherman (History, University of Cambridge). Punishing Collective Action in India, 1919-1956: The Politics of Human Rights and State Violence
Scott Leon Washington (Sociology, Princeton University). Blood Bound: A History of the Crystallization of the One-Drop Rule in the United States, 1890-1935
Murat Yuksel (Sociology, Columbia University). Forced Migration and Politics of Internal Displacement in the Making of Modern Turkey, 1923-1950


Lori A. Allen (Anthropology, University of Chicago). Suffering Through Nationalist Uprising: Violence, Victimization, and Human Rights in Palestinian Politics
Ruchi Chaturvedi (Anthropology, Columbia University). The Political and Its Violence: Party Workers, Democracy, and Law in South India
Jangam Chinnaiah (History, University of London). Contesting Hinduism: Emergence of Dalit Paradigms in Telugu Country, 1900-1950
Rachel Hope Cleves (History, University of California, Berkeley). The Problem of Violence in the Early American Republic
Theodora Dragostinova (History, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign). Between Two Motherlands: Struggle for Nationhood Among the Greeks in Bulgaria, 1906-1949
Ioannis D. Evrigenis (Government, Harvard University). "Carthage Must Be Saved": Fear of Enemies and Collective Action
Melissa Gonzalez-Brenes (Economics, University of California, Berkeley). Determinants of Domestic Violence: Quantitative Evidence From Rural Tanzania
Kelly Lynne Jarvis (Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine). Maternal Parenting and Child Adjustment in the Context of Domestic Violence
Brian J. Peterson (History, Yale University). Transforming the Village: Migration, Colonialism, and Islam in French Southern Mali, 1880-1960
Marina Welker (Anthropology and History, University of Michigan). Corporate Security by Other Means: Mining and the Rise of "Corporate Social Responsibility" in Indonesia
Caroline Yezer (Cultural Anthropology, Duke University). Memory and Truth in the Shadow of War: Local and National Reconciliation in the Peruvian Andes


Brett S. Abrahams (Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, University of British Columbia). Mouse Strains Transgenic for Human Nuclear Receptor 2E1: New Tools for Understanding the Biology of Aggression
Vasile B. Cernat (Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University). Ethnic Stereotypes and Attitudes: The Role of Social Knowledge
Alexander B. Downes (Political Science, University of Chicago). Targeting Civilians in War
Suzanne E. Fry (Politics, New York University). When States Kill Their Own: The Legitimating Rhetoric and Institutional Remedies of Authority Crisis
Jonathan Gumz (History, University of Chicago). Streams of Violence in the "Land of Milk and Honey": The Habsburg Occupation of Serbia, 1913-1918
Michael Mcgovern (Culture, History, Theory, Emory University). Narratives of Betrayal: The Creation of a Productive Other and a Flirtation With Genocide in Southeastern Guinea, West Africa
Daniel Monterescu (Anthropology, University of Chicago). The Limits of Peaceful Co-Existence: Jewish-Arab Relations, Urban Space and the State in Palestinian-Israeli Mixed Towns, 1948-2003
Thomas Pegelow (History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). Between Control, Reunification and Discursive Congestion: The Politico-Cultural Conflicts Over Germanness and Jewishness in Germany, 1928-1948
Ramnarayan Singh Rawat (History, University of Delhi). Overcoming Domination: Struggles of Identity Among the Chamars of Uttar Pradesh, 1881-1956
Javier Carrerra Rubio (Social Anthropology, University of Saint Andrews). The Yanomami Discourse and Practices of the Interplay Between Peace and War in the Process of Their Political Integration Within the Venezuelan Nation-State
Sharon Shalev (Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science). Social Isolation As a Form of Control: The Use of Solitary Confinement in Contemporary Penal Systems and the Proliferation of Supermax Prisons
Susan Shepler (Social and Cultural Studies in Education, University of California, Berkeley). Conflicted Childhoods: Fighting Over Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone


Asad Ali Ahmed (Anthropology, University of Chicago). Adjudicating the Nation, Disciplining Islam: Blasphemy Trials and Islamic Nationalism in Contemporary Pakistan
Thomas H. Chivens (Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). Democracy on the Beat: Policing of Domestic Violence in Poland
Megan Lee Comfort (Sociology, London School of Economics and Political Science). Home Sweep: The Social and Cultural Consequences of Mass Incarceration for Women With Imprisoned Partners
Jenny Isaacs (Psychology, Saint John's University). In-School Weapon Carrying: Associations With Aggression, Environmental Threat, and Social Cognitions
Jennifer MacDonald (Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Family Crime on Trial in Rural France, 1815-1914: The Case of Cote-d'Or
Diane Purvin (Policy and Management, Brandeis University). Intimate Partner Violence Among Low-Income Urban Families: Economic, Social, and Relational Consequences
Rosellen N. Roche (Social Anthropology, The University of Cambridge, England). The Inheritors: Violence and the Social Development of Working-Class Protestant and Catholic Youth in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Martha S. Santos (History, University of Arizona). Serties Temerosos (Menacing Backlands): Honor and Violence in a Changing World, Cera Brazil, 1830s-1890
Alexander Statiev (History, University of Calgary). Soviet Counterinsurgency Policy (1943-50)


James Patrick Daughton (History, University of California, Berkeley). The Civilizing Mission: Missionaries, Colonialists, and French Identity, 1885-1914
Peggy Froerer (Anthropology, London School of Economics and Political Science). Ethnic Conflict and Emergent Hindu Nationalism: Christian/Hindu Adivasi Relations in Chhattisgarh, Central India
Shan Hu (Biology, Lehigh University). Estrogen, Serotonin, and Aggression: The Missing Molecular Link
Matthew E. Keith (History, The Ohio State University). The Logistics of Power: Tokugawa Response to the Shimabara Rebellion and Power Project in Seventeenth-Century Japan
Ron Levi (Law, University of Toronto). The Constitution of Community in Policing the Everyday: Legal Implications of an Emerging Criminal Justice Paradigm
Rochona Majumdar (South Asia Languages and Civilizations and History, University of Chicago). Dowry Deaths, Marital Violence, and the Politics of Marriage in Bengal: 1914-1961
B. Gregory Marfleet (Political Science, Arizona State University). Taking Risks for War and Peace: Groups, Leaders, and Crisis Behavior
Michael Nest (Politics, New York University). Restraining the State: The Role of Social Groups in Limiting State Violence and Dominance in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Duane Edward Thomas (Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University). The Impact of the School Classroom Context on the Development of Aggressive Behavior Problems in Children


Fiona B. Adamson (Political Science, Columbia University). Globalization and the Territorial State: International Migration, Transnationalism, and "National Security"
Kimberly Barletto Becker (Psychology, University of Arizona). Reactions to Violence: A Study of Children From Violent Homes
Peter N. S. Hoaken (Psychology, McGill University). The Roles of Executive Cognitive Function, Impulsivity, and Reactivity in Aggression
Michelle Kuhl (History, Binghamton University). Modern Martyrs: African Americans Redefine the Meaning of Lynching, 1890-1940
Anne-Maria Boitumelo Makhulu (Anthropology, University of Chicago). Squatter Politics, Squatter Violence: Challenges to the New Housing Policy in South Africa
Robert P. Marlin (Anthropology, Rutgers University). Legacies of Violence: Spirit Possession and Constructions of Gender and Illness in Central Mozambique
Carlota McAllister (Anthropology, The Johns Hopkins University). Good People: Violence and Responsibility in a Post-Revolutionary Guatemalan Village
Kamal Sadiq (Political Science, University of Chicago). When Migrants Become a Threat: Conflict Over Citizenship in India and Malaysia
Lisa L. Sample (Criminology, University of Missouri-St. Louis). The Social Construction of the Sex Offender
Kimberly Theidon (Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley). Traumatic States: Violence and Reconciliation in Peru
Andres Villarreal (Sociology, University of Chicago). Structural Determinants of Violent Crime in Contemporary Mexico


Tin-Bor Victoria Hui (Political Science, Columbia University). Rethinking War and Change: Competing Logics in World Politics


Michael Gaddis (History, Princeton University). Religious Violence in the Christian Roman Empire
Mohammed Hafez (International Relations, London School of Economics and Political Science). Political Islam: Explaining the Sources of Accommodation and Violence
Matthew Huss (Psychology, University of Nebraska). An Examination of Psychopathic Batterers' Violence Against Women and the Implications for treatment and the legal system
Anahita J. N. Kazem (Anthropology, University of Durham). Conflict Management and the Ontogeny of Social Skills in Free-Ranging Juvenile Rhesus Macaques
Wayne Lee (History, Duke University). From Riots to War: Public Violence in Eighteenth-Century North Carolina
Scott London (Anthropology, University of Arizona). Domestic Violence and Family Law in Senegal, West Africa
Stephen C. Lubkemann (Anthropology, Brown University). Migration and the Local Structuring of National Means of Violence and Displacement in Post-Colonial Mozambique's Civil War
Tamara Neuman (Anthropology, University of Chicago). Land Appropriation and Violence in National Religious Settlement: The Case of Kiryit Arba
Ajantha Subramanian (Cultural Anthropology, Duke University). A Greater Share in the Sea: Ecology, Development, and Social Conflict in a South Indian Fishery
Holly Wardlow (Anthropology, Emory University). "You Think You're So Strong?": Female Agency and Violence Among the Huli of Papua New Guinea
Rebecca Stetson Werner (Psychology, Bryn Mawr College). Understanding Aggression in Preschoolers: Its Focus, Motivation, and Social Goals As Related to Social-Cognitive Abilities and Social Functioning


Pierre Cenerelli (History, Brandeis University). Reporting Decolonization: French Journalists and the Indochinese War, 1946-54
Andrew Jay Diamond (History, University of Michigan). The Battles of Hoodlums, Rebels and Vice Lords: Youth Gangs, Street Violence, and the Politics of Race in Chicago, 1941-1973
Gautam Ghosh (Anthropology, University of Chicago). Riot, Religion, Remembrance: The Partition of India and Its Aftermath, 1947-1997
Manu Goswami (Political Science, University of Chicago). The Production of India: Colonialism, Nationalism, Territorial Nativism, 1870-1920
Anne Hardgrove (Anthropology, University of Michigan). The Cultural Politics of Religious Humanism in India
Shadd Maruna (Criminology, Northwestern University). Desistance and Development: The Psychosocial Process of Going Straight
Vjekoslav Perica (History, University of Minnesota). Religious Revival and Ethnic Mobilization in Yugoslavia, 1965-1991: A History of the Yugoslav Religious Question From the Reform Era to the Civil War
Celia Rothenberg (Anthropology, University of Toronto). Palestinian Village Women and Stories of the Jinn: Experiences of Oppression Through Stories of Spirit Possession
David Sorensen (Criminal Justice, Rutgers University). Intimate Partnerships, Procreation, and Desistance From Violent Offending: Disentangling the Marriage-Crime Relationship
Stephen Striffler (Anthropology, New School for Social Research). Violence, Collective Action, and Agrarian Transitions in Coastal Ecuador since 1900


Andrew W. Cohen (History, University of Chicago). The Struggle for Order: Law and Resistance to the Corporate Ideal in Chicago, 1900-1940
Alx Dark (Anthropology, New York University). Community Identity, Alliance, and Confrontation Over the Environmental Movement in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia
Karen Franklin (Psychology, California School of Professional Psychology). Hate Crime or Rite of Passage? An Exploration of Assailant Motivations in Antigay Violence
Kaushik Ghosh (Anthropology, Princeton University). The Primitive As National Modern: Indian Modernity and the Making of Adivasi Ethnicity in Jharkhand
Lazima Onta-Bhatta (Anthropology, Cornell University). Street Children's Lifeworlds and the Development Discourse in Nepal
Aminur Rahman (Anthropology, University of Manitoba). Domination and Violence in Development: A Study of Women and Credit Programs in Rural Bangladesh
Andrea L. Smith (Anthropology, University of Arizona). Colonial Liminality, Status Anxiety, and Maltese-Origin Pieds-Noirs
Tracy Tullis (History, New York University). A Vietnam At Home: Policing the Inner City, 1963-1974
Peter Verbeek (Psychology, Emory University). Peacemaking in Young Children
Steven Ian Wilkinson (Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Why Violence Stops: Hindu-Muslim Conflict in India

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