Gangs, Violence, and the Redivision of Space in ChicagoJohn Hagedorn, Criminal Justice, University of Illinois, ChicagoResearch Grant, 2002 Recent declines in homicide in Chicago have been seen as similar to earlier declines in New York City and Los Angeles. Popular explanations that policing strategies largely explain variation in rates of violence have been skeptically greeted by criminologists. However, no plausible explanation for persisting high rates of homicide in some cities and very low rates in others has been credibly presented. One reason for this may be the narrowness of criminological investigations. Explanations for violence internationally have included human rights, housing, and economic development among other variables. This essay presents data from a study on homicide in Chicago and supplements criminological thinking on homicide by adding insights from urban and globalization research. This essay presents data from a study on homicide in Chicago and supplements criminological thinking on homicide by adding insights from urban and globalization research. BibliographyHagedorn, John and Rauch, Brigid. "Housing, Gangs, and Homicide: What We can Learn from Chicago."Urban Affairs Review 42:4 (March 2007): 435- 456. Hagedorn, John (ed.). Gangs and the Global City: Alternatives to Traditional Criminology. University of Illinois Press, 2006. Hagedorn, John. A World of Gangs: Armed Young Men and Gangsta Rap Culture. University of Minnesota Press, 2007.