Salzburg Global Seminar: Polarization and Violent Threats to Democratic Systems As part of the Violence, Politics & Democracy Initiative, HFG has launched a three-year project with Salzburg Global Seminar to explore violent threats to democracy worldwide.The project, “Polarization and Violent Threats to Democratic Systems: Assessing the Threats and What We Can Do About Them” aims to: develop an international, interdisciplinary network of researchers and stakeholders working on understanding and addressing rising polarization and political violence in a range of mature democratic systems; define a set of critical questions and objectives to inform and shape a new research agenda on the rise of polarization and political violence across the selected countries; contribute to a better understanding of how to assess escalating threats; and, posit policy and practice recommendations for how to address the threats more effectively. HFG President Daniel F. Wilhelm joined some twenty-five experts and policymakers for an introductory forum Sept. 16-18, 2024, in Salzburg, Austria. Following the conference, Salzburg published Tackling the Rising Threat of Polarization and Political Violence outlining urgent steps to reduce political violence and restore democratic trust in countries where this is a problem. The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation is a leader in creating and disseminating knowledge on the nature, consequences, and reduction of violence in its many forms, including war, crime, and human aggression.Salzburg Global Seminar is an independent non-profit organization founded in 1947 with a mission to challenge current and future leaders to shape a better world. For more information contact: Nyeleti Honwana, Program Officer | 646.428.0971