HFG Launches Multi-year Initiative on Violence, Politics, and Democracy …as “violence” and when is it “political”? Does political polarization precipitate violence? Widely held, or at least broadly reported, presumptions contend that political polarization is increasing, unyielding, and all but…
Political Economy of Memory: The Making, Unmaking and Remaking of the Nigeria-Biafra War …in a manner that elicits passion, discord, and contestation in contemporary Nigeria. Drawing on a political economy approach, this research focused on the following. First, it offered new insights into…
What Do Historians Have to Say About Violence? …City. Arlington Heights: H. Davidson, 51. Eric H. Monkkonen. 1995. Homicide over the centuries. Social Science History 19(Summer): 168; Monkkonen. 1995. New York City homicides. Social Science History 19(Summer): 201-14….
‘A Truly Pluralistic Society Has Both Inclusion and Dissent’: A Conversation with Ben Klutsey …that there are different kinds of polarization. There’s political polarization, which measures the ideological distance between the parties. I think in terms of political polarization, you’ll see that the American…
‘Democracy Is Something We Have to Fight For’: A Conversation with Suzette Brooks Masters Suzette Brooks Masters Is polarization in the United States laying the groundwork for political violence? It is not a simple question to answer. Affective polarization—the tendency of partisans to hate…
‘We Want You To Be A Proud Boy’: How Social Media Facilitates Political Intimidation and Violence Amid a volatile election season, the report ‘We Want You To Be A Proud Boy’: How Social Media Facilitates Political Intimidation and Violence outlines the steps social media companies like…
The Kayapo Conjuncture: An Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance with International Civil Society Against Violence and Rights Abuse by the State and National Security …of the mid-90s to mid-2000s might have general implications for the conventional wisdom of developmentalist theory, anthropological and political science treatments of the relation of marginal and ‘weak’ populations and…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Welcomes Its 2022 Emerging Scholars …Scholars is, as always, a very select group of doctoral students whose dissertation projects—in anthropology, sociology, public health, history, law, and political science–were judged especially likely to further the foundation’s…
Seeing Like a Peacebuilder: An Ethnography of International Intervention Why do international peace interventions so often fail to reach their full potential? To answer this question, I conducted several years of research in conflict zones around the world, including…
“There Are Clearly Spaces Where Law Enforcement Does Not Belong”: A Conversation with Tracie Keesee …not there’s a political appetite to do what needs to be done for the good of communities. It is creating a tremendous amount of stress for service providers on the…