“Beyond the Crisis: Reimagining Migrant Protection” …Surulola Eke, a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at Queen’s University, who studies links among autochthony, natural resources, and conflicts in West Africa, and Charles Larratt-Smith, an assistant professor of political science…
“Weapons of War: Examining Gender-Based Violence in Conflict Zones” …political science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSkPfFHQRb4&t=2367s This, the first installment of The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation’s Global Perspectives on Gender-Based Violence speaker series, was moderated by HFG Program Officer Nyeleti Honwana joined by…
“Evidence Doesn’t Seem to Play a Key Role”: A Conversation with David Weisburd …and practice. A vocal advocate of evidence-based policymaking, he has served as the chief science advisor to the National Police Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to innovative policing. He also played…
Race/Ethnicity, Space, and Political Culture: A Comparative Study of Collective Violence in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles …urban centers and to examine the effects of differences in political organization and culture and police discipline and behavior, with the goal of recommending policies that could defuse tensions—not by…
The Psychological Sequelae of Political Torture in South Africa Most research on persons subjected to physical torture for political reasons has framed this experience as traumatic, with the sequelae approximating the diagnostic criteria of posttraumatic stress disorder. However, responses…
Constitutional Design: Many Architects, No Buildings This study concerns constitutional design for severely divided societies—the political institutions apt for peaceful coexistence or interethnic accommodation of groups with a history of antipathy that must nevertheless live together…
The Dynamics of Violence in Civil War: Evaluating the Impact of Ethnicity on Violence …factors such as the type of warfare and the resources of the combatants in addition to the nature of the social and political divisions, of which ethnicity is only one….
Killing Campaigns: The Origins and Dynamics of Mass Violence in Africa …perception—shapes leaders’ willingness to use mass violence and the public’s acceptance of it. Second, ideological constructs—what I label “founding narratives”—influence the ways in which political and military leaders devise strategies…
Intrahousehold Income Inequality and Conflict: Testing an Economic Model of Domestic Violence in Kerala, India Domestic violence in developing countries has been an area of growing concern among researchers and activists in the women’s health and rights movements. An entrenched patriarchal system and a scarcity…
Violent Profits: The Political Economy of Electoral Violence …by scholars and policymakers is whether or how the nature of political-business relationships might affect the outbreak or targeting of election violence. When are business actors targeted by election violence?…