The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Welcomes Its 2022 Distinguished Scholars …in Southern Thailand Laura Blume (University of Nevada, Reno) Cataloguing Murder: Tracking Violence Against Public Figures in Central America Abby Cordova (University of Notre Dame) Violence against Women and Political…
Postcolonial Aspirations and Intimacies of Violence Among Gebusi of the Nomad Area, Papua New GuineaandThe Role of Culture in the Early Evolution of Human Violence …can have a powerful impact on the rate of human violence. This finding lends credence to the notion that human violence is a solvable problem and is not an intrinsic…
Distinctive Characteristics of Marital Violence The study of violence has become increasingly specialized. Researchers and policy makers focus on such topics as domestic violence, sexual assault, or violence between strangers. Specialization can be beneficial, but…
HFG Emerging Scholars …Arms, Private Armies, and the Birth of the American Century, 1865-1915 Moritz Emanuel Bondeli (Political Science, Yale University). Disturbing the Peace: Mass Politics and Political Violence in Weimar Germany Madison…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Welcomes Its 2024 Distinguished Scholars …creating a foundation to support scholarly research on violence. As our grantees always do, the 2024 Distinguished Scholars are investigating violence in its varied forms—crime, terrorism, domestic violence, political ideology…
The Polarization Project …and political violence? Is it possible to bridge the divides that separate Americans from one another? Should we be hopeful or pessimistic as we look to the future? These and…
Witchcraft, Violence, and Democracy in South Africa The HFG research and subsequent book, Witchcraft, Violence, and Democracy in South Africa, is an attempt to think about the implications of pervasive spiritual insecurity for the postapartheid democratic state…
An Unexpected Peace: Understanding Resilient Order and Violence in Multi-Gang Environments …as evidence that enforcement operations in economically (or politically) valuable territories for criminal operations are a trigger for violence. Other international cases of peace among criminal organizations follow similar patterns….
Scrutinizing the Gray Zones: Dynamics of Collective Violence in Contemporary Argentina …established political actors, I argue, count in the making of collective violence and in routine political life. The research scrutinizes the gray zone where the actions and networks of both…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Welcomes Its 2022 Emerging Scholars …mission of clarifying the causes of violence,” said Joel Wallman, Director of Research. “Ethnic violence, vigilante behavior, violence against women, and armed non-state groups motivated by a political vision, illicit…