A New Kind of War: A History of the 1946–1949 Greek Civil War …and inability to provide leadership of political elites on both sides of the divide, and an exceptionally polarized political culture. The void in power and the inability of the state…
Conspiracy Beliefs and Violence in American Culture: A Comparative Study of Black and White Separatism …In North America and Europe, race-oriented political and social movements display two salient characteristics: ideologies that are mirror images of one another, and a treatment of race as the functional…
Youthful Martyrdom and Heroic Criminality: Aggression and the Formation of Youth Groups in Northern Nigeria …Such conflations, and the violence that accompanied them, were fomented by religious metaphysics of fear, discipline, growing anti-American sentiment, and the political use of identity within Nigeria. However, during my…
An Anatomy of Sectarian Violence: Jews and Christians in Premodern Poland …political triggers, accusations of religious crimes did not result in prosecution, much less in religious violence against Jews. The project crucially casts a new light on the most infamous case…
From Coltan to Cattle: Unearthing Violence in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo …shape instances of violence. The DRC is a particularly relevant case study given the multiple natural resources at play in past and current “wars” and the significance particular resources have…
Intrahousehold Income Inequality and Conflict: Testing an Economic Model of Domestic Violence in Kerala, India Domestic violence in developing countries has been an area of growing concern among researchers and activists in the women’s health and rights movements. An entrenched patriarchal system and a scarcity…
Happy Marriages: Civilizing Domestic Life in Costa Rica, 1850–1950 …domestic violence. These myths are: 1) that violence was considered a “natural” part of marriage relationships rather than a practice constructed and transformed historically and in everyday life; 2) that…
“The Long History of Anti-Asian Violence in the US”: Dr. Beth Lew-Williams …of Chinese immigrants. Beth Lew-Williams shows how American immigration policies incited this violence and how the violence, in turn, provoked new exclusionary policies. Ultimately, Lew-Williams argues, Chinese expulsion and exclusion…
The Psychological Sequelae of Political Torture in South Africa Most research on persons subjected to physical torture for political reasons has framed this experience as traumatic, with the sequelae approximating the diagnostic criteria of posttraumatic stress disorder. However, responses…
Local Government Violence and Rights Struggles in Contemporary Rural China …organize cross-community efforts. Third, local authorities usually turn to repression and often use violence against protest leaders because they face strong pressure from their superiors and they lack necessary political…