Can the State Interrupt the Vicious Cycle of Gendered Violence that it Helped to Create? Evidence from Guatemala …communities. Absent broader efforts to address structural inequalities, the impacts of [violence against women and girls] reforms are unevenly experienced, with those most vulnerable to violence and most in need…
Violent Territorialities and the Cultural Politics of Belonging in West Kalimantan Indonesia …the book will document and analyze the forms, contexts, and representations of violence, and how violence has reshaped access to and control over the agrarian environment. The violence cannot be…
Ethnic Violence vs. Imperial Segregations: Multinational Criminality in the Russian Imperial City as a Space of Conflict and Cooperation …be unaware of the competing projects of political or national mobilization); the middle ground (a peculiar mechanism of creative mutual misunderstanding); and criminal violence. In particular, ethnically marked criminal violence…
War and Economic Development in Vietnam and Sierra Leone …always catastrophic. We find that individual exposure to the brutal civil war in Sierra Leone has lead to increased political participation, community activism, and local public good provision. This political…
Economies of Violence: Petroleum, Politics and Community in the Niger Delta, Nigeria …the varieties of violence engendered by oil, to elaborate the ways in which resources, territoriality and identity can constitute forms of rule, and understand the genesis of economies of violence…
Does Prosecution Reduce Violence Between Intimate Partners? Objectives: This research uses existing data from prior studies to assess the relationship between the prosecution, conviction, and sentencing of offenders and repeat intimate partner violence. A secondary focus is…
Alcohol: The Aggression Elixir? …indicating that alcohol consumption is strongly linked to verbal aggression, aggressive threats, family violence, marital aggression, violence-related emergency-room visits, child abuse, firearm use, sexual aggression, homicide, and suicide. A well-designed…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Welcomes Its 2020 Distinguished Scholars …was given to research that addresses urgent, present-day problems of violence—what produces it, how it operates, and what prevents or reduces it. “Given the abundance of violence in the world,…
Throwing “Paper Stones”: Argentina’s Institutional Collapse My research project is about violence and legal institutions, and is focused on the case of Argentina. In December 2001 Argentina fell into what is considered the deepest crisis of…
“There is Still No Justice Here!”: Theorizing Women’s Movements’ Influence on Postwar African States Enforcement of Gender-Based Violence Laws African countries have begun to create specialized criminal justice sector mechanisms, such as specialized courts and specialized police units to address violence against women. Proponents of this international norm, including…