The Hungry Steppe: Famine, Violence, and the Making of Soviet Kazakstan …both in Kazakhstan and in the West. My book, The Hungry Steppe: Famine, Violence and the Making of Soviet Kazakhstan, brings this largely unknown story to light, examining two interrelated questions:…
Serotonin and Impulsive Aggression: Not So Fast This article appeared in The Biology of Aggression, the Spring 1999 edition of The HFG Review, a Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation publication that examined topics of violence in depth. The…
Criminal Justice Expert Greg Berman Named Inaugural Guggenheim Distinguished Fellow of Practice …recognizes a leading practitioner in one of the many fields that contend with issues of violence—including government, multilateral institutions, civil-society organizations, and journalism—to support a project examining a contemporary violence…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Renames Three Signature Awards (NEW YORK) — The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, a global research foundation dedicated to the study of violence, has adopted new names for its research awards. The Harry Frank Guggenheim Research…
HFG At The Crossroads Forum The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation held At the Crossroads, a forum which examined the rise in gun violence in New York and other cities, on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. ATC…
HFG Chair Peter O. Lawson-Johnston Passes Gavel to Longtime Board Member Peter Lawson-Johnston II …tenure, Lawson-Johnston oversaw the development of HFG from a small, family-led foundation to the preeminent philanthropic organization advancing multidisciplinary research on violence that has funded nearly 1,700 grantees in scores…
Economic Shocks, Social Insurance, and Violent Crimes: Evidence from Brazil …domestic violence by 56%. Unemployment benefits have an opposite effect on domestic violence than on any other type of crime; they increase the probability of domestic violence due to longer…
Seeing Like a Peacebuilder: An Ethnography of International Intervention …approaches to collecting information on violence strongly impact the effectiveness of intervention efforts. A number of interveners challenge the dominant modes of thinking and acting. The publications based on this…
“Why Have Homicide Rates Gone up Since 2015? A Historical Perspective”: Dr. Randolph Roth …that focuses on the degree to which modern and early modern societies have been successful at nation building. As he suggests, the fundamental requisites for low levels of violence are…
Armed Politics and the State in Post-Colonial Asia …groups are deeply threatening, which are politically unproblematic, and which are unsavory or tolerable. These political foundations of state and regime form the basis of state strategy, but tactical calculations…