HFG Helps Launch Working Group on Violent Crime With murders and gun violence increasing in some U.S. cities following a long decline, The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation is joining with the Council on Criminal Justice (CCJ) to form…
HFG Program Assistant …The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (HFG) examines enduring and urgent problems of violence, such as war, crime, and human aggression. Through basic and applied research, we aim to understand the…
HFG Part-Time Social Media Manager …management and execution of the Foundation’s social media and audience engagement strategy. About the Foundation The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (HFG) examines enduring and urgent problems of violence, such as…
The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Welcomes New Board Members …of national importance and their commitment to research and science over many years will enhance our ability to better understand and address the violence that afflicts our world.” Andre M….
Constitutional Design: Many Architects, No Buildings This study concerns constitutional design for severely divided societies—the political institutions apt for peaceful coexistence or interethnic accommodation of groups with a history of antipathy that must nevertheless live together…
When Comrades Go to War: Post-Liberation Movements, Elite Politics and the Internal Dynamics of Africa’s Great War …of Julius Nyerere, the godfather of Africa’s liberation movements: they put the gun before the unglamorous but essential task of building the domestic and regional political institutions and organizational structures…
In Search of Popular Sovereignty: British Rule and the Great Revolt (1936–39) in Palestine …landowning, trade, and government office, British rule and the growth of Jewish colonization under its wings brought about profound social, political, and economic changes. The “youth trend” became the largest,…
HFG Symposium on Crime in America …“Reporting on Gun Violence: Engaging the Public on the Issues.” The symposium will offer a series of discussions with experts, public officials, and journalists exploring gun violence, a critical public safety and public health issue…
The South Carolina Murder Project …caste-like ethnic relationships, poverty, illiteracy, and lack of infrastructure. This project addresses these biases by developing a victim-based violence data series for South Carolina, extending from the end of Reconstruction…
Annual HFG Symposium on Crime in America Examines Criminal Justice Reform in the Biden Era …two-day symposium, organized by the Center on Media, Crime and Justice at John Jay College, convened journalists, scholars, and policymakers from around the country to discuss emerging crime and violence…