The Carceral State in Conflict: Between Reconciliation and Radicalization …engage in a negotiation over their “carceral citizenship.” The reorganization of the “one carceral state” thus changed the citizenship regime in Israel/Palestine. Current literature on political prisoners is dominated by…
The Association of Polymorphisms in Genes affecting Monoamine Neurotransmission with Aggressive Behavior in Schizophrenic Violent Individuals Violence remains an important sociobiological problem, and is reported to affect approximately 3.7% of the population each year. In the mentally ill, the prevalence of violent behavior is higher that…
Organization and Community: The Determinants of Insurgent Military Effectiveness …the (in)ability to keep ceasefires, to control who is targeted by violence, or to employ increasingly complex guerrilla or conventional tactics. Next, it develops a theory arguing that it is…
Desistance from Right-Wing Extremism …found violence was an important factor in terms of promoting disengagement. In some cases, individuals involved in high levels of violence reported experiencing “burnout,” while other individuals reported experiencing moral…
Christian Martyrs and the Making of an Islamic Society in the Post-Conquest Period This dissertation examines the role of state-sanctioned violence against Christians during the Umayyad and early ‘Abbasid periods. It explores a neglected group of Christian saints (often called “neomartyrs”) who died…
Grassroots Peace: Postconflict Reconstruction in Rural Colombia …levels of violence wielded against civilians. Since the conflict subsided in this region, villages have also revealed variation in their community reconstruction patterns. In some villages, residents worked together to…
Of Rebels, Spirits, and Social Engineers: The Problems with Ending Female Genital Cutting …role of Africans in transforming and ending cutting was both unacknowledged and unexamined. My book The Twilight of Cutting: African Activism and Life after NGOs (2017) argues that the political…
“Evidence Doesn’t Seem to Play a Key Role”: A Conversation with David Weisburd …go, “Well there’s mixed evidence about large-scale use of stop-question-and-frisk [SQF] across cities but there’s strong evidence that pedestrian stops work in hot spots, in areas with high violence.” There…
The Effect of Publicized Life Sentences, Death Sentences, and Executions on Homicide …sentences in efforts to control lethal violence. Publicized Executions: Abolitionist States. A second contribution was to test two alternative theoretical explanations for dips in homicide after a publicized execution. Publicized…
A Military History of East Africa in the Nineteenth Century …of traditional organized violence in East Africa, as well as the analysis and organization of that data in anticipation of writing the manuscript itself. The goal has been to explore…