Sherman was Right: The Experience of AEF Soldiers in the Great War …that the violence of the Western Front broke the soldier. I was wrong. While some did psychologically succumb to the horrors of combat, the majority endured, and were proud of…
When We Torture: Moral and Pragmatic Arguments For and Against Torture, and Their Effect on Public Support For Redressing Past and Preventing Future Injustice Violence can take many forms, and it can vary in scale and intensity. This research project focuses on one specific type of violence that is usually perpetrated against a relatively…
On Traumatic Modernities: Forced Migration and Nakh Cultural Memory Along Caucasus Borderlands …Asia. My conversations with local scholars in Georgia and throughout the Caucasus enable me to probe the ongoing legacies of the violence that constitutes forced migration. These findings emerge from…
Our new look …the talented team at Design for Progress, support new programming, including our expanded HFG Speaker Series, new multi-media projects, such as our Violence, Politics & Democracy initiative, and new ways…
The Mind of the Segregationist …we must learn how they found and exploited the fissures and pressure points in southern white society. The conflict between the white South’s political and religious institutions helps us begin…
State Practices, National Identity and Anti-Immigrantism in Western Democracies This study critically examines the various practices of anti-immigrantism in three Western democracies—the United States, the United Kingdom, and France—within the context of globalization. The study draws upon the works…
Social Dominance and Coercive Strategies of Resource Control in Children …that many high-status and well-accepted individuals (e.g., CEOs, political leaders) are modestly aggressive in their own right. Is aggression in some contexts adaptive and socially competent? A strategy-based evolutionary perspective…
Characteristics and Determinants of Global Homicide Crime Waves, 1946 to 1998 Difficulties in comparing political and legal systems have long hampered our efforts to estimate cross-national violent crime rates. Adding the requirement that such studies examine trends over time makes the…
Striving in the Path of God: Discursive Traditions on Jihad and the Cult of Martyrdom …to specific historical and political circumstances. Among these circumstances are the continuing border skirmishes with the Byzantines in the Umayyad period (661–750), the Crusades and the Mongol attacks from the…
Criminal Retaliation: A Qualitative Study of Social Control Beyond the Law Despite its preeminent role in regulating disputes between and among street criminals, retaliation has received scant attention from criminological researchers. Existing studies explore retaliation only tangentially, with little or no…