Competitive Intervention and its Consequences for Civil Wars This project explores two interrelated puzzles about external intervention and internal war. The first asks why rebels, governments, and third-party interveners often continue to invest in costly and protracted conflicts…
Insurgent Fragmentation and State Attachment in the Syrian Civil War …costly infighting, most notably when the so-called Islamic State broke away to establish a rival political-religious project in 2013–14. Repeated foreign-backed attempts to unify Syria’s rebel factions behind a central…
Hurt Sentiments and Blasphemy in South Asia …In this book project, I cross political and territorial boundaries to bring together cases of censorship that allegedly “hurt sentiments” of individuals and religious communities. The landmark lawsuits that I…
Mass Shootings: Causes and Prevention …to high-capacity weapons, building more effective early-warning systems, and creating a reliable process for data collection could greatly reduce the frequency and toll of this very American type of violence….
The White Power Movement at War on Democracy …assert and maintain white dominance. In doing so, she exhorts scholars, policymakers, and law enforcement officials to understand and address disparate acts of violence as part of a larger movement….
Policing Protests: Lessons from The Occupy Movement, Ferguson and Beyond As recent history shows, police often treat peaceful protests as if they are riots or fail to prevent violence with early action. Authors Edward Maguire and Megan Oakley provide a…
Under Many Fires: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Female Circumcision by Southern Sudanese War-Displaced Women in Khartoum …project will continue to investigate is that between war and cultural responses in times of violence and transgression. So far, intermarriage seems to be a primary factor in cultural change….
Ethnic Conflict and Socioeconomic Development in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria Since the end of the Cold War, ethnic conflicts scattered all over the world and often taking place within nations (intrastate) have been the most prevalent form of global violence….
Blood and Soil: Modern Genocide, 1500–2000 …combination of such factors essential to genocidal policy and practice enables emerging human disasters resulting from dominance, aggression and violence to be detected in advance and hopefully, in a timely…
Competitive and Cooperative Behaviors among Forest Elephants in the Presence of a Limited Resource …of the contact interactions resulted in obvious serious injuries. It is clear that dominance is quite different in nature from active aggression and violence, at times serving to abort or…