Strategic Observers Underground: How They See Trouble and What They Do Next Following Jane Jacobs’s observations of the role of “public characters” as a mechanism for heading off city crime and street violence, we asked just how such individuals actually do their…
Social Order and the Genesis of Rebellion: A Study of Mutiny in the Royal Navy, 1740–1820 …over information about the possibility of an amnesty was a critical cause of the resilience of the Nore mass mutiny. Violence was used to maintain order through corporal punishment but…
Ways of War: Toward a Global Military History …its last imperial dynasty. What does this study tell us about human violence and warfare in general? For one, it suggests that countries that achieve too much military success, such…
Shoot the State: Guns, Freedom, and Domination in the Americas, 1774-1934 …rival internal polities, and fratricidal struggles over internal order and the nature of capitalist development. Almost always, these trials involved collective violence with firearms. Yet across the Americas, guns were…
Stress Reactivity to Provocation and Aggression in Early Adulthood: Do Early Victimization and Regulation Processes Matter? …aggress others in comparison to those who do not (e.g., dating violence, bullying, public shootings, road rage, and violent encounters with strangers). To this end, we invited 160 participants to…
Aggression and Morality: Links in Early Childhood Differences in aggressive behavior emerge in early childhood, become more stable with age, and can lead to significant psychological problems, including violence in adulthood. It is, therefore, imperative to understand…
Desistance from Sexual Offending Across the Life Course Desistance refers to the slowing down or stopping of offending. Although the term is relatively new to those who study sexual aggression, the phenomenon has been a staple of criminological…
Sexual Justice in the American Civil War …in the Civil War, an essay in a collection concerning the impact of Union occupation on southern women, Occupied Women (2012), and a chapter in Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones…
2016 Report of The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Three Things That Work to Prevent, Reduce, or Stop Violence…
2010 Report of The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Meet grantees studying violence, women and HIV in Tanzania, and post-war Liberian expatriates in the U.S…