“True Equity Means Everyone’s Life Has Equal Value”: A Conversation with Shani Buggs …devoted to gun violence. And so I shifted my focus to gun-violence prevention. This was 2012, and the conversation about gun violence as a public health issue was still very…
Violence and Politics in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Comparative Study of Kingston, Jamaica …city, which were founded with the support of the country’s two main political parties in the 1960s and 1970s, have become increasingly less political. My findings support this general observation…
‘A Truly Pluralistic Society Has Both Inclusion and Dissent’: A Conversation with Ben Klutsey …have political violence in the way we did in the sixties. But we need to be concerned not just about actual violence, but about threats of violence as well. Threats…
“Illiberal Ideas Are Having a Negative Effect on Our Political Culture”: A Conversation with Thomas Main …man, talk about violence. He says that aggression should always be met with aggression. That logic dictates that any failure to respond to violence with even more violence is only…
‘We Want You To Be A Proud Boy’: How Social Media Facilitates Political Intimidation and Violence Amid a volatile election season, the report ‘We Want You To Be A Proud Boy’: How Social Media Facilitates Political Intimidation and Violence outlines the steps social media companies like…
“Intimate Partner Violence and Armed Conflict in Colombia”: Dr. Maria Restrepo-Ruiz …women during times of high political violence. When armed conflict-related violence decreases or during post-conflict times, however, high intimate partner violence levels persist. The Colombian armed conflict intensified adherence to…
‘A Healthy Democracy Requires Social Trust’: A Conversation with Ilana Redstone …the people who disagree with me are hateful, stupid, immoral, etc.? That’s what I mean by political polarization. Thankfully, at this point, the actual incidence of political violence in this…
“Why Do People of Color Have to Go to Extremes to Save their Kids?” A Conversation with Joseph Richardson …Capital Region Violence Intervention Program, a hospital-based program that provides trauma-informed care and psychological services to survivors of violent injury in an effort to prevent further violence and victimization. In…
Violence, Politics & Democracy Speaker Series …Boy’: How Social Media Facilitates Political Intimidation and Violence, who discussed the report and steps that social media companies can take to reduce their contribution to increasing levels of political…
Welcome to Our 2025 HFG Distinguished Scholars …the Revenge of America’s Most Dangerous Cult Haroro Ingram (Political Science, The Australian National University), The Promises of Revolutionary Violence: Propaganda, Recruitment, and Motivational Pathways to Violence in the Southern…