The Political-Criminal Nexus: Emerging Violent Threat to Governability in the Twenty-First Century One of the more dangerous contemporary threats to the quality of life is the collaboration of the political establishment with the criminal underworld—the political-criminal nexus (PCN). These partnerships increasingly undermine…
Collective Crimes in Times of War: Explaining Local Violence Against Civilians in Croatia …violence against civilians. Thus, even before mass violence begins, certain communities are transformed into amoral communities, where the definition of crime becomes altered and violence is justified as a form…
HFG Launches Speaker Series on Gender-Based Violence This fall, the Foundation will host three Knowledge Against Violence conversations titled, “Global Perspectives on Gender-Based Violence.” Gender-based violence, defined by the United Nations as “harmful acts directed at people…
The Peaceful Century: War in Twentieth-Century Latin America …on the continent? I demonstrate how the absence of both institutional authority and politically organized violence were bound in a circular, causal relationship. The origins of this unique pattern of…
In Harm’s Way: Violence at the Urban Margins in Contemporary Argentina …collective trauma created by the constant and implacable interpersonal violence in a marginalized neighborhood in the outskirts of the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We subject the experience of violence…
HFG African Fellows …violence and aggression in the modern world. The proposed project must relate directly to the African continent. The Foundation is interested in violence related to many subjects, including, but not…
Contested Narratives: A Genesis of State Violence in Post-Revolutionary Iran (1979-1988) The study explores dynamics of violence in Iran in relation to state formation after the 1979 revolution. It focuses on episodes of large-scale collective violence against political opponents and mass…
Klan Violence/Local Violence in Reconstruction-Era Union County: A Social Network Analysis …into and relabeled existing local patterns of violence and conflict. The level and amount of violence increased dramatically with the Klan, but the perpetrators and victims of violence largely remained…
Provisional Irish Republicans: Ten Years On …matter what, will not stop their involvement in political violence until they achieve the political goal they seek. From the 1920s, when the Irish Republican Army forced the British to…
“Rising Violent Crime in Mexico” Panel …the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Guillermo Trejo is a co-author of the book Votes, Drugs, and Violence: The Political Logic of Criminal Wars in Mexico, a Professor of Political Science…