Programs …also conducts, commissions, and publishes original research on contemporary problems of violence. It organizes conferences, seminars, briefings, and other convenings to explore particular issues of violence. Priority is given to…
Military Training, Violence, and Human Rights: The School of the Americas …on my findings will be published by Duke University Press (The School of the Americas: Military Training, Political Violence and Impunity in the Americas, 2004). It argues that the SOA…
The Middle Eastern Military as a Factor in Domestic and Regional Conflict and Violence: A Case Study of the Iranian Army …the officer corps contained individuals and groups possessing political ambitions that were independent of the shah, though not politically radical, and that the stifling of such tendencies as the shah…
Women’s Employment Status, Coercive Control, and Intimate Partner Violence in Mexico …the relation between women’s employment and the risk of intimate partner violence have also been mixed. Some studies find greater violence toward women who are employed, whereas others find the…
“None of Us Dared Say Anything”: Mass Killing in a Bosnian Community During World War II and the Postwar Culture of Silence …memory of local violence. Here, local-level analysis revealed how violence created new, under-researched dynamics of nationalism, in which daily incidents triggered traumatic memories of violence that led to momentary eruptions of…
Race/Ethnicity, Space, and Political Culture: A Comparative Study of Collective Violence in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles …Political Culture: A Comparative Study of Collective Violence in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.” That book incorporated brief accounts of the above-mentioned race riots and set the stage for…
HFG Distinguished Scholars …Taming Political Violence in Conflicting Democracies in Africa Roudabeh Kishi (Political Science, University of Denver). Improving Early Warning Models Outside of Conflict Zones: A Case Study of the US Roni…
Pakistan’s Educational System and Violence: Is There a Connection? …of news; knowledge of Islam, Pakistani history, United States politics, and international relations; the nature of violence; and judgments about justice and injustice, including justifications for violence. The survey rendered…
“You Have to Crack Down on Gun Offenders”: A Conversation with Peter Moskos …Reduction Project, in which you invite a variety of people to explain how they would reduce violence. Are there good ideas out there that you’ve been unearthing beyond Cure Violence…
Nationalism and Violence in Two Post-Soviet Republics: Azerbaijan and Moldova …important than previously thought in accounting for violence; and that interventions by neighboring states (or rump groups within them) are often the culprits for civil war violence. The newly collected…